Chapter 44: A Bit Too Easy

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I was a person that rarely got angry. I considered myself to be a pretty relaxed person...well, now that was just a blatant lie. I tend to lose it quite frequently, but I doubt it often escalated into the level of anger. Of the only time I could remember ever since I came into this world...yeah, it was the time that I ordered Eden's army to eliminate that idiot of a duke's forces. Still, even then it was just irritation.

However, I think I had enough today. Causing more stress than my subordinates did? Sure. I don't mind. Being a dense idiot that couldn't read the air of this place? Fine. I wasn't one to pick fights. But for you to destroy a promise I made to an individual I truly respected? Hero or not, I shall feed you to the wolves for this indignity. Roselia had enough of this, I say!

"Horizon," I said before they had a chance to notice me. "Teleport Yue to me."

Yue, creator? At once.

An youthful woman materialized without any sort of warning at all, surprising everyone except for me. Yue had extremely long brown hair, and I do mean really, really long. The hair that was styled into a single braid reached beyond her ankles, and would have stretched out all over the floor. Strangely enough, the ends that went beyond a yellow ribbon would only seem to float slightly above the ground, avoiding being dirtied.

Yue don an odd combination of a dark turtleneck shirt and a dress, which I would even go as far as to call it a turtleneck dress since they came as a single outfit. It wasn't anything too fancy to be honest, but the only notable thing about the blackish brown dress was that it went all the way down to her ankles, and it surrounding her legs rather tightly, unlike the skirt I usually wore.

Despite being suddenly teleported, Yue maintained a state of calmness, not allowing a single fleck of change to flash across that strangely pale of face of hers. Although it was normal for most westerners, but for an individual that had a Chinese origin and appearance, having such a white complexion was odd.

Pushing up her black rimmed rectangular glasses that covered over her blood red eyes, she gazed around with a sweet smile that was honestly terrifying, knowing her backstory. Her eyes were like mine in terms of color, but they were much darker than mine. I believe my eyes were much softer, towards the shade of vermilion, but her eyes were the exact hue of the liquid she drunk as nourishment.

Closing the book she was reading, she murmured, "This must have been that bloodless chunk of steel, huh. Haven't experienced that ever since those days on Lune."

It was a sweet and melodic voice, one that could cause most to sway and fall addicted to a set of vocal cords gifted by god...or more accurately, by me, the one who wrote her backstory. I've turned her into something outrageous, didn't I...? Look, even the hero's party was briefly stunned by it.

Hm? The hero's party? Wait, why were you there, priestess lady!? I thought you were a comrade in arms! Since when did you betray me and joined his side!? And why did you seem to tilt your head when you looked at me!? We drank an entire night away together! Well...I suppose it was quite dark that day...but still, being forgotten like this was quite unpleasant.

Anyway, Yue finally noticed me, but she remained as composed as ever, and simply did an elegant bow, "Yue has come to answer what I presume to be your summons, Empress of the night. How may this snake be of service?"

There was an atmosphere of casualness to her, although it did not conflict with her elegance at all. How should I describe it? It was...apathy, I suppose. Well, I don't hate that aspect of her. Even though some form of creator's bias was involved, but being around someone that was relaxed once in a while wasn't so bad.

"Immobilize those six for now."

"Who are you!? Befo—" the hero immediately tried to run up to us, but he was frozen on the spot. "Guh! I can't move!?"

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