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It's been 5 days since I left Chile and I'm sick

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It's been 5 days since I left Chile and I'm sick. So basically let me catch up to you. After my last night in Chile I got to the airport pretty early and Taehyung stayed with me till I boarded. We basically hugged each other for so long that I started getting anxious of the possibility of someone recognising him.

I arrived safely in Seoul but I've been really sick and really weak. Taehyung was sleepy during rehearsal. He told me that Yoongi talked with him about protection and when he told me it cracked me up. He basically is sad most of the time we skype because he can't be here to take care of me.

I usually assure him that there's nothing to worry about.

My mother came to visit me and we visited a couple of doctors together. She basically is here to take care of me while I'm in bed all day being sick and being the typical me I got my period as well.

"Honey are you okay? Do you need something?" She yelled from the living room.

"A painkiller would be nice." I said.

My phone vibrated indicating someone was calling me.

"Hey Lizzy what's up?" I picked it up.

"Hey Emily. How are you? I heard you called in sick." She said.

"Yeah I haven't been feeling pretty well to be honest." I said.

" I'm coming over." She announced to me.

She hang up. I let my mother know that a friend of mine was coming over.

"What about that Taehyung guy?" My mother asked me.

'What about him?" I asked her.

"Is everything going well? Is he good to you?" She asked me.

"He is so affectionate you have no idea. He makes me wanna smile all the time. I love him mum and I'm serious this time." I said feeling confident with my decision

"I'm happy for you. What about your brother? How did he take it?" She asked me.

"Well at first he didn't like the idea . He even gave him a black eye. But now he is okay with it since he can see tat Taehyung makes me happy.I hope he won't return with anotherblack eye though." I said thinking about the time Jimin announced that we came closer with Tae.

"Why?" My mother asked me.

"Let's say we came closer." I said and she smiled at me.

"Okay then as long as you are happy we are happy for you." She said stroking my hair.

We talked a bit more when the doorbell interrupted us.

"Hello mrs Min . I'm Lizzy  Emily's colleague and frind." She said bowing down to my mther as she introduced her self.

They greeted each other and she thrn joined me in my room.

"I have something for you." She said coming in.

"That's what I'm talking about." I joked and she laughed.

"I brought you chocolate and I have all time classic movies as well. She said as she put her USB in my laptop so we would watch a movie.

I fell asleep in the middle of the movie and my phone woke me up since I got a call from Taehyung.

Lizzy looked at me and I answered the call.

"Hey babe." I picked it up.

"Hey were you sleeping?" He asked me and I nodded.

"Yes." I said sleepily because I just woke up.

"I'm sorry babe. I didn't mean to. Do you want me to call you tommorow?" He asked me and I sat on my bed.

"No no. It's okay I missed you a lot." I said weakly.

"Okay then let me skype you." He said as he turned off our call and skyped me.

"Hey." He said waving at me.

 "Hii." I said and coughed.

"Ugh this cold is making me so stressful about you." Tae said.

"I'm sorry." I apologized.

"Noo. It's just that I wished I could be there to take care of you." He said getting a spoonful of his food.

"It's okay she has me." Lizzy popped on the screen.

"Ow hey Lizzy." Tae waved at her.

"You remember my name?" She said as her eyes widened.

"I wish I could be there. It seems fun." He said pouting.

"You will in a less than 2 weeks." I said.

"Yeah but what am I supposed to do without you for two weeks?"He whined.

"Patience ." me and my mum said at the same time.

"Who was that?" taehyung asked shook.

"My mother. She came to take care of me." I said.

"Ugh why didn't you tell me earlier? I wouldn't have been this stressed out." He said relaxing.

My mum popped on the screen.

"Hey taehyung." She waved at him.

"Hello ma'am" He waved back.

"How are you feeling?" My mu asked him.

"Tired. Today was a lot." He said. " How is Emily?" He asked my mum.

"She's okay. We went to the doctor's ttoday and he prescribed her some pills. Hopefully by the end of the week she'll be okay." My mother said.

'Thank you for taking care of her while I'm away." tae said giving her a boxy smile.

"Don't menton  it." My mother said.

They said their goodbyes and we talked for a little longer until my headache was getting too much for me and tae was sleepy.

"I love you." He said before hunging up.

"I love you too."I yelled.

We talked with Lizzy for some time until it go too late to return home so she stayed over for tonight.

And just like that I fell alseep.

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