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"Wha...." I was at a loss for words. It felt like my heart stopped beating. One of the only joys was gone...it was gone forever. I was never gonna see my mom again. I stared blankly at all three of them.

"We need you to know it's gonna be okay..."  it echoed through my mind. It wasn't going to be okay! It wasn't! Nothing was going to be okay without her! They kept talking but my foggy mind blocked them out. I couldn't take it anymore. I started to sob.

I couldn't stop. I sobbed, and sobbed and sobbed. Holding myself and crying.  Mr.Aizawa came up and crouched down to my level. He patted me on the arm. I hugged him and wouldn't let go. He didn't even flinch or try and let me go he just let the hug happen. I still couldn't stop crying. She was one of the only good things in life.

Crying there, I remembered the time she saved me from dad, the countless times she held me and told me I'd be alright. All the good times of my childhood were with her and my siblings. No one else.
How could she be gone?

"Todoroki I'm so sorry." He came over and patted me on the head. I let go of Mr.Aizawa. I wiped the tears streaming from my face.
"What happened?" I held in my tears bracing myself.

"She was killed by a villain...there was some confrontation of some sort. We're not sure on details but we have someone in custody." The principal looked down sadly.

"Who?" I was angry now, the sadness was washing away and the anger caved in.

"We don't know."

Midoriya P.O.V.
Where did todoroki go? I was starting to get worried about him.

"Did he get in trouble?" Mina's worried expression was smudged on her face.

"From the looks of it yeah.." I looked up at the school hoping todoroki would be okay.

"It's probably no big deal, Hey guys lets go to the dorms to hang out it's starting to get cloudy outside." Iida motioned towards the dorms.

But something still felt off and I could feel it. Why was all might there? It can't be that bad...can it?

Todoroki P.O.V.
"WHO WAS IT." I yelled.

"I'm sorry todoroki we don't know, they won't disclose that information to us." The principal sighed.

"Unfortunately we need to find out who did it." All might sighed and put his hand on my shoulder.

"I want to come..." I trailed off.
"But the your classes at U.A. will-" I cut him off.
"I WANT TO GO." I yelled.
"I want to know who killed her, I need to know who killed...the best influence in my life." I stared to cry again.

"Alright..alright. Come on we need to get going." He motioned me up and I was still in shock. I barley knew what was happening. Everything was a blur, everything. Somehow we were at the police station talking to a few officers. They asked me questions about who she hung out with but I was still so upset I couldn't even function correctly. I spent the night there... I think? I laid down on the small couch they had and slept for a day. My brain couldn't handle it. I couldn't take it, and I needed to find out who killed my mom.

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