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Todoroki P.O.V.
I saw Midoriya from the corner of my eye, he clearly was in shock as well.
One of the investigators came over to me.
"Are you gonna be okay while we interrogate him?" I gave a quick nod as me and the investigator went to the door. The world stopped spinning.

Was is really him? Dabi? How did he know my mom? Was this an accident?

So many questions swirled through my mind.
The investigators hand turned the door knob.
We walked in as the weight of what was going on fell on me.
I sat down, the slouched over Dabi was not even a yard away.
He lifted his head and gave me a stern look. I was surprised to see the many cuts on his face as well as a swollen arm. He moved his hand cuffed hands to the table and I noticed a small burn on his fingers. He used so much power he burned himself?  We both sat there in silence while we went through the first part of the case.

"So Dabi..? What was your involvement in this death?" The investigator tapped his pen on the clip board while I sat there staring at him. He didn't seem like much of a murderer....
I watched his movements carefully watching his steady breaths. He didn't seem worried at all.....strange for being charged with a murder.
"I told you...I'm not involved. I was just meeting up with someone and I happened to be there at the wrong time.." the investigator scribbled down a few notes.
"And exactly who were you meeting up with?" Dabi fell silent looking at the floor. A strange sadness seemed to silently sneak in the room.
"Just....an old friend." The investigator proceeded to scribble more notes down.
I waited listening to every fake lie that fell out of his mouth. Sure an....old friend.
They adjusted Dabi to the chair and let me have a moment with him. They all walked out leaving me and him alone....I was facing this monster who killed my mom alone.
"Shoto?" He questioned. I gave him a serious look but he seemed to act like I was his best friend.
"It's been a long time hasn't it...." A deep sadness dwelled within his eyes but only for a second.
"Not really...didn't your stupid team of villains burn down the training camp...oh wait they didn't, you failed, we won. I forgot I guess." I stared him down waiting for a reply. He didn't say anything.
"That was...uh.." he didn't seem to find the right words. Dabi seemed different.....too different and it was getting on my nerves.
"So explain to me again why you decided to kill my mother." I held in the tears, trying to seem intimidating.
"Look...kid I didn't kill her. I don't know what those police have been putting in your brain, but I wasn't even there I was....." His deep solid eyes narrowed, it almost seemed like he was thinking about something....
"Well Who was this friend of yours? If you weren't there, they should be able to tell us right?" I started to raise my voice.
"Where were you...." Dabi fell silent.
"WHERE WERE YOU!?" I slammed my fists on the table and he flinched still looking down at the floor. I teared up a couple tears slid down my cheeks. My guard was down, so much for intimidating. Something seemed to hurt him deep down.
The room fell into a deep silence.
"We can't talk to them...." Dabi's voice was almost shaking. I'm not sure why though....
"What did you want with my mom?" Tears kept rolling down my cheeks.
"She was such a kind person and peaceful. What did she ever do to you!" I started to yell I couldn't take it anymore.
"WHY?!" I screamed.
He looked up, and then I noticed it there were tears streaming down his face. I stopped yelling and looked at him.
"You've grown up so much haven't you...." I fell silent as the investigator opened the door.
"Alright that's enough, maybe we should come back to this...." he motioned towards me and I wiped my face, and wandered out the door. The investigator locked the door behind him.

Guess it was the polices turn now.
Midoriya walked over to me, I must had been standing there.
"Are you oka-" I grabbed his arm and pulled him in for a hug and started to cry again.
"It's okay...." he patted me on the back and let go.
"Should we get something to eat?" He motioned to a cafe across from the station.
"Yeah I guess..." I wasn't really hungry but anything was better than here.

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