Chapter 1

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Five years later

The dragonet raced through the hallway as fast as his legs could carry him. Room 4d, room 4d, come on, where is it!? Finally, after a while of running, it was on the left. He could hear the teacher.

"The anatomy of the Sandwing includes the well-known..." she stopped and looked at the entrance.

"Am I late?" he said, panting.

The teacher looked at him with a smile.

"Well, since you made an effort for once to get to class, I won't count this time." The other students laughed as Shadowhawk sat down.

"As I was saying, the most well-known part of a Sandwing is the poisonous barbed tail, which is fatal, as you all should know. It can only be cured by one thing. Does anyone know what it is?"

Everyone was silent.

"It's a carefully guarded secret. But we are the only tribe outside the Sandwings to know the antidote. It is the cactus juice from the desert cactus in the Sandwing kingdom." The students wrote it down and the class continued.

Alright, let's see here. Next class should be room A4 and that's...oh, wait, that's seer class. He looked up to the high central tower and took off.

The teacher Sightseer, who was the queen's own seer and good friends with Shadowhawk.

When the room was filled with all four of the seer students, Sightseer started.

"Yesterday, I had a prophecy. Even though I am the queen's seer, I want you guys to see if you can decipher it."

"One who is present

And the very best seer

Will come to resent

Not one of her peers

But the one who will end

The peaceful place of grass

When history takes a bend

And an old age will pass."

All the students wrote it down and were all in deep thought. I think I know who it is, and she's not going to like it. This class has started the new age already, and they don't know it yet, Shadowhawk thought.

"Imagine, what do you think it means?" Sightseer asked.

"I'm officially dumbfounded," she said.

"Any ideas, Swiftwings?"

"Well, it's obvious it's someone from this time..."

"I KNOW WHAT IT IS!" another student shouted.

"What is it then, Allknowing?"

"Someone from this tribe right now will destroy our home!" she said. Then there was absolute silence as everyone just stared at Allknowing. "I think that is a, class dismissed. Homework today is reviewing the definite differences between a vision and a dream."

The rest of the students filed out, but Shadowhawk stayed behind.

"You know what it means, right?" Sightseer asked.

"Yeah. And I think that old age is starting to pass already."

"'s Allknowing, isn't it?"

He sighed. "Allknowing is so arrogant and annoying. She already thinks she's the best seer in the class, and even though you say I'm the best, I starting to think not."

"Don't say that. You are the best, and tomorrow, you can prove she isn't as high as she thinks she is."

"Ok. Thanks," he said as he walked out of the room. I know exactly what that prophecy means. I am going to not be in the picture anymore. I was not meant to be the queen's seer. I one of his visions, an adult Allknowing was arguing with Vigilance (which meant she was to be queen after all) and a little dragonet, who...looked...familiar. Changes are coming, and no one is going to be prepared.

This one took me a little longer... please comment if you want more!
Based on the books by Tui T. Sutherland.

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