Chapter 8

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The breeze was crisp and cold as the Nightwings flew over the blank white land, happy to be going home to a warmer situation. Shadowhawk flew behind Oblate and looked down to see a bit of smoke rising from a small area, and what he saw was two scavengers, wrapped in a giant polar bear's skin. He had never seen scavengers before and had only heard of them in a scroll dating back around 300 years, entitled Curious Creatures: What Scavengers Are, which gave minimal information. A question popped into his head.

"Mother, have you seen a scavenger?" Oblate looked back.

"Yes! They are some of the cutest things ever! I have..." she paused. "a fascination for them. Aren't they peculiar?" Shadowhawk felt like there was something else she could have said.

They stopped for a rest in a clearing of a forest. Shadowhawk said, "I'll just stretch my legs and go walking."
Oblate looked at him for a moment, and said, "All right. Just don't get lost. Be back as soon as you can."

He walked off into the forest, enjoying the scenery for a while. He finally felt at peace. Nothing was bothering him. The light filtered through the trees casting life on the plants. A crying noise was instantly heard, echoing through the forest. Was that a cry? Shadowhawk asked himself since it sounded like a cry, but at the same time, it didn't. He ran to the direction the sound was coming from, and what he found was quite unexpected. A small scavenger had its head in its hands, with water running from its face. Shadowhawk thought it would be a good time to test a scavenger to see if it was above average intelligence. He had tried reading minds of deer and snakes (the snakes were hard), and saw nothing but eat, sleep, and escape/eat.
But what he discovered in the scavenger's mind was, well, mind-blowing. He could see two other scavengers standing next to the one and could feel the emotions of the creature: sad, alone, and scared. Pity came from Shadowhawk, and he slowly came close to the scavenger, who didn't notice until the dragon was right in front of it, and it jumped and fell to the ground in fear. Shadowhawk had to think of something to calm it down. Then another experiment came into mind. Or rather out of his mind. He tried to project words into the scavenger, and let it translate in the other's mind. The scavenger stopped crying, and stood still, frozen. Then it started blabbing, none of which the dragon could interpret. Reaching into his mind, the scavenger wanted to go to where those other scavengers were. Does it really want to go to the Ice Kingdom? Realizing he had animus magic (how could you forget about something like that? But he did.) he said, "Go to where you want to go." And the scavenger disappeared in thin air.
Satisfied, he went back to the camp, where Oblate and a very bored-looking Diamond were waiting.
"I was worried sick about you! I almost sent a party to look for you, because LOOK AT THE HORIZON! We have to get moving before the sun gets up all the way!" It was true. The sun had just kissed the hills of morning.
"Well, I'm ready when you are." And they flew off to the Night Kingdom, finally. Shadowhawk looked back and smiled in the direction of the Ice Kingdom, knowing he did something right.

Things are heating up, and this is the start of everything.
Based on the books by Tui T. Sutherland

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