Chapter 4

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The moons shone its brilliance onto the balcony. Shadowhawk looked out into the darkness of the night, then around at his room. He took a deep breath and felt that powerful surge of energy.

This time, he kept his eyes open. The world around him collapsed and spread in all different directions. He suddenly was floating in a seeming tunnel of...nothing. What the...? A blinding white light came out of nowhere that blotted out reality. He stood there, motionless. What do I do? Can I even do anything? He could hear nothing. He was in nothing.

This place should not exist, yet he was in it. It felt familiar, in a weird, empty way. The emptiness would not last long. Streams of little black particles floated past him. Should I touch them? I guess I don't have any other option. His claw reached out and touched some. Instantly he was sucked into the stream and everything darkened as the lines of reality pulled itself together. Immediately immense pressure was applied everywhere on him and Shadowhawk screamed in agony. When it finally subsided, he felt drained and tired as he panted. An eerie glow went through all his scales and disappeared.

The room looked the same as it had when he had gone to that...distorted reality? He walked out to the balcony, which was still intact, and the three moons shined down on the ground. It defiantly was not the same, because the ground was way higher than normal. There were pieces of marble sticking up from it, and other material. It's almost as if it was deserted, from a forgotten past, and... wait...that's it! I'm in the future! That must be it! But another question is, are there still any more dragons around? He looked up at the moons and squinted.

There, a black dot could be seen in the moon's light. It was getting...bigger. First, he was scared. Should I go meet it? No, I'll stay here and spy on it, if it comes this way. Running, he opened the huge black doors and found an empty, cold, barren, sad hall, or what was left of it. He raced out to the Great Diamond and looked around at the decayed sight, went flying up quietly to one of the buildings (which was now part of a cliff); and there he waited for the unknown dragon if that was what it was.

Moments later, a hulking black shadow hovered above the Great Diamond, then descended. While Shadowhawk was looking at this dragon, he noticed a small blue speck was following it. Is that a...Seawing!? What is it doing out here!? Now, this was starting to get very interesting. The Nightwing was huge, three times the size of a Skywing! It looked around for a moment, touched the palace wall and another wall. The Seawing obviously stalking the Nightwing, but why?

Suddenly, the Seawing shuddered, and flew, looking at all the windows of the buildings, with suspicion, and...fear? Shadowhawk took a deep breath, as the Seawing passed him by without noticing him. He then spotted the Nightwing flying toward the classrooms. It ducked its head as the dragon had disappeared into the darkness, with the Seawing in tow. What was curious was the Nightwing had no idea the Seawing was even there, or he just ignored him.
A while later, the Nightwing came back out to the central courtyard, which was filled with vegetation. Shadowhawk flew a little closer to get a better look. The Nightwing stopped walking and sat down, the Seawing still looking at him. He noticed just now that the Nightwing had blue under his wings.
After a little bit, the Nightwing started crying. Why is he crying? Is it the Seawing's fault? The Seawing looked away, disturbed a little, proceded to pick up a beautiful marble and set it gently in front of the gigantic dragon. The big dragon at first didn't notice it, then looked at it with a mix of sadness and fear in his eyes. What the dragon said next, sent a shock down Shadowhawk's spine and made his eyes go wide open.

"Clearsight?" he said in a whisper. "Clearsight?"

This I think is my longest one yet! Hope you all enjoy! Please comment!
Find the line from the book!
Based on the books by Tui T. Sutherland.

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