Chapter 10

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It had been seven sunrises, and there was no sign. All the queen could do was sit on her throne and hope that there was anything to hear of her son, anything.

"Gone, gone again..." she sobbed, "just like his father. Not again! No! Not again!"

Even Vigilance had a sad look, though she and her older brother never talked much. She had not really even known him, or even what to think of him, which was weird because she knew exactly what everyone she met was like. The only thing he was to her was an enigma, the Enigma.

No one could console the queen. "History repeats itself", "the curse is still in effect", and other saying spread around the castle. This was something, everyone said, that the queen would never recover from.

At around midday, the commander stood in front of Oblate.

"Your majesty, no word still. As you have requested, the other tribes do not know about it." If any of the other tribes knew about Shadowhawk's disappearance, there would be a dragon hunt, and whoever got him would demand ransom. "I am telling you that there is still no..."

"There is still a chance! There is always a chance!" the queen screamed. The commander patiently waited.

"There is no chance." He said with a firm voice. And with that, the queen slumped in her throne. "There is no chance," she repeated.

The news shocked the kingdom, spreading like fire. Foeslayer was in deep contemplation as Shadowhawk's words echoed throughout her mind. That dragon, I am sure, is spying on me. I know I am the target. She had no idea that it would lead to his disappearance and had kept it a secret. Staring at the wall, she considered her options. Should I report what happened? Or should...a bold plan revealed itself to her.

An Icewing stood guard on the Ice-Sand Kingdom border. It was certainly one of the most boring jobs, but that was what the kingdom was. Blank and boring. Behind him was home: in front was the rest of the world, including the vast desert, which was a huge contrast between the white of the snow. It was a lot to take in for any ordinary Icewing, but he had been stationed there for a while now. He wanted to not just see it, but to go out there, and experience what it was like. But unfortunately, only messengers and high-ranked Icewings could go outside the kingdom. And he was not one of those high-ranked Icewings. It really stinks to be in Seventh Circle. At least he wasn't at the civilian level. That was horrible. He was certainly grateful for that.

He yawned as he looked up at the sun. Midday. His eyes were starting to close, just then he noticed a black dot on the far side of the curve of the earth, getting bigger as it seemingly progressed toward him. Sunlight reflected off the flying object. Another messenger, he thought. An Icewing flew straight toward the guard, but it was one that he had never seen before, and he was good with faces. The mysterious Icewing had a silver ring on one of his talons and three icicles around his neck; then proceeded to land.

"Are you part of the spy system?" the guard asked. The stranger looked a little bit uncomfortable.

"Ah, no. Sorry. I just had to clean up some things with other tribes. Hope you are enjoying your time here?"

The guard was surprised. Most highly ranked Icewings were, well, not the most outgoing. "Good, for the most part." Something seemed suspicious. "May I get your name?"

"Comatose. I'll give my regards to the queen for you. I know it's a tough job out here." And he left, leaving behind a happier guard.

"My queen, you have a messenger." The queen didn't even turn around and continued to look at herself in the ice. "I have been waiting for this message. Permit him to enter. And alone." Moments later, the messenger arrived, and the doors to the room were shut behind. Queen Diamond turned around.

"Comatose. Good news, I hope." The messenger was very good, and an excellent spy. She had just discovered him when he came to her a week ago and told some very interesting information. His only wish was to be in the Third Circle, and that he was not to be recognized, even within the kingdom, which was brilliant. Her perfect agent.

"Yes, your majesty. I have news from the Night Kingdom."


"The Nightwing prince, Shadowhawk, who was at the meeting a little over a week ago, has suddenly disappeared. The Nightwings are searching but can find no trace of him. Which is a great opportunity to..." The queen smiled wickedly. "Find him and hold him for ransom. At long last, something exciting!" She then began to laugh.

"Exactly." Comatose smiled as well.

He was sighted. He doesn't know what's coming. The old dragon looked at the smaller one, who was quivering with fright. "You were caught, yes?" The other gave a shaky nod. "Well, as you know, there are consequences for everything. And here is yours." Before the smaller Nightwing could do anything, the elder grabbed him by the throat and smashed the head into a wall. He brought his paw down to the chest, and pointed one claw to it, touching the skin. In one last look at the disoriented and bloody dragon, he stuck his claw all the way into the body. Screams came out. But nobody can hear since we're underground. They stopped, and the younger was finally dead. "Tsk, tsk. Consequences, consequences."

The next morning, the body of a young Nightwing was found in the square. Nobody knew who it was.

"The queen has declared Vigilance as the successor, as expected. This is our chance! We can take it over, and no one would know!" The scarred Nightwing exclaimed to the purple orb.

"I am still worried about the prince. If I do not find him, there will be major outcomes in order."

"The prince cannot be found! He was no threat anyway. What does he matter?" Silence followed.

"Plans will follow as normal. I trust the other problem was taken care of?"

"Yes, it was. In full effect."

"Good. Now begin the next stage."

"Yes, Dis."

And the light faded.

That is the longest one I've done! I AM SO HAPPY! I know it's not much, but this is also MY TENTH CHAPTER! (Technically eleventh) Super excited for making the next one!
Based on the books by Tui T. Sutherland

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