Chapter 6

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"Follow me, please."

The Icewing turned around and flew the way he had come. Shadowhawk had never felt so cold in his life, and he saw the others shivering as well. Vigilance complained.

"Why is it so cold? I'm going to have all my limbs frozen off." And those all those diamonds that she has is also a problem, but of course, she won't admit it.

"I can assure you, Princess Vigilance, it will be warm to your liking when we get there," said the Icewing.

Queen Oblate just smiled. How can she keep a smile in this type of weather, that's what I want to know, Shadowhawk thought.

The group flew over an Icewing village as they kept on moving. A large dome arose from in front of them, that was hand-carved by the Icewings years ago.

"I think you are going to warm up to our gift of diplomacy," the Icewing said coldly (weren't all of them cold?) as they approached the dome. The powdered snow was soft as the dragons landed at the entrance. Shadowhawk felt...something strong in the air. It was the same feeling he had when he entered Now, what should he call it? He had entered the place where nothing really existed, and he was falling into twilight...that's it! The Twilight Zone! He snapped back into reality to realize a group of Icewings stood before them.

"Let me introduce the newly crowned Queen of the Icewings, Queen Diamond." The queen had a menacing look, and Shadowhawk felt anger, fear, and torture from her.

"I am deeply sorry if you were a little cold on your way here. Let me give you our gift of diplomacy, generously made by our animus." There were only three bracelets for the six Nightwings there, so they had to share. Shadowhawk looked over to Truthfinder next to him, who had a worried look on her face.

"What is it, Truthfinder?" he whispered.

She replied, "I just read her mind, and she laughed to herself 'if only you poor Nightwings had an animus.'" Oh, great, a mean and insulting monarch, who thinks she's that and a bag of diamonds.

"Actually, that's her name," Truthfinder added.

Before they all walked in, Foeslayer's mother, who shared a bracelet with her daughter, gave instructions to her. "Foeslayer, we will share this bracelet." Foeslayer just rolled her eyes. "Foeslayer, I'm bringing you on this mission because I don't trust you if I leave you behind, but if you say one word to any Icewing, there will be consequences." She paused. "And Foeslayer, don't break anything."

They all walked through the tunnel to the dome, and the meeting began.

"I would like you to meet some of my family, Subzero, who you know, and my son should be coming along shortly..." Diamond turned to her left to another Icewing, whispered something, and resumed as the other Icewing took off. "Excuse me, I am telling my son to hurry up. Now, let's get down to business." It was very long and boring, as was expected. Halfway through, Shadowhawk felt like something was missing.
More like someone.


Sorry, but this series will be on a little hold, due to the biggest disaster in summer: SCHOOL! I will probably post the next chapter about early November, so again, apologies.

I apologize, but these next few chapters are kind of rushed.
Based on the books by Tui T. Sutherland.
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