01 | RUN!

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"RUN!" SIRENS BLARED LOUDLY FROM THE SPEAKERS HANGING on the white concrete of the plain lab walls, startling number Twelve as he sat in the middle of the dirty floor in his pitch white room that was filled with detailed drawings on the walls and ...

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"RUN!" SIRENS BLARED LOUDLY FROM THE SPEAKERS HANGING on the white concrete of the plain lab walls, startling number Twelve as he sat in the middle of the dirty floor in his pitch white room that was filled with detailed drawings on the walls and a blue octopus plushie he had named Ben in his hand, holding onto one of the tentacles squeezing it three times tightly in fear as he heard gunshots outside the large metal door.

A flash of bright blue shined in front of the boy momentarily blinding him, before he saw his friend, number Five, standing in front of him with a panicked look on his face. 

"We gotta go!" Five exclaimed, grabbing the boys hand and using his powers to teleport the two into the white hallway where Eleven, Four, and Three were standing.

Three was using her powers, compressing the air together forming a shield, blocking off the guards as they try to shoot at the group.

Four was shooting fire at all the guards who managed to get past the shield and Eleven was killing the men by snapping their necks with her telekinesis.

Five pushed Twelve towards Eleven and they all ran as the guards came running and shouting after them.

They could hear Papa or Dr. Brenner, calling after them over the sirens, demanding them to stop running, but they continued.

Number Three panted as sweat ran down her face from exhaustion, her long blonde hair sticking to her face as Four looked at his sister in concern.

The two didn't notice they fell behind until Four looked in front of him and shouted as the bad men got closer to them.

Twelve glanced over his shoulder, stopping to look at the two in panic as he saw Four and Three behind yards away.

Five and Eleven stopped, turning as well, they all started yelling for the two to run as the men get closer, bullets flying all over.


They could all tell number Three and Four were growing tired from using most of their power.

Number Three screamed out in pain as one of the bullets went through the shield hitting her in the shoulder.

She tried to keep the force field up but she could feel herself grow weaker and weaker each second she loses blood.

Four tried shooting fire but it just wasn't working, not being able to control his powers, causing him to shout out in frustration.

"They have to go." Three yelled to her brother, shaking her head and sharing a glance with Four.

She wanted her and her brother to live, but they knew they wouldn't make it out of this. Alive at least.

Three dropped the shield exhaustion taking over, gunshots continuously going off, hitting her and her brother in the stomachs.

"GO! RUN!" Four and Three yelled out at the same time with all the energy they had left.

Twelve, Eleven, and Five's eyes widened.

"NO!" Twelve cried out as he watched the two teens get shot, blood pouring onto their matching hospital gowns.

"LEAVE NOW!" Four shouted.

Five sighed sadly, sharing a look with Eleven, Five grabbed Twelve's and Eleven's hands, teleporting them outside, and the raven-haired boy stumbled slightly as he felt light-headed, not used to using his powers on three people at once.

They could hear the bad men's footsteps behind them as the three ran towards the gates and screams echoing in their ears before stopping as gunshots were still heard.

Eleven looked around and saw there was a large sewer line that led to the outside of the tall fences.

She hurriedly got on her knees and crawls through the space, dragging the sobbing boy behind her. Neither of them noticed that Eleven's gown ripped a little and got caught on part of the pipe.

Five clenched his jaw as he felt a bullet hit him in his side, groaning softly, he pressed his hand firmly on his side trying to put pressure. He got on his knees and started crawling behind his friends but he could feel the pain of the wound wearing him down as he loses blood and it seeps through his hospital gown.

Twelve and Eleven stood up as they finished crawling and waited for Five. Twelve crouched down after some time seeing Five groaning and failing to crawl.

"You have to go!" Five grunted, looking past the other boy and toward Eleven with a pointed look as she nods, turning to the boy who was crawling into the hole again, trying to help.

Twelve shook his head as tears streamed down his face silently.
"Can't. Leave. You come with us."

Five sighed sadly, feeling the aching in his heart at his friend's pain. Knowing Twelve will be heartbroken having to leave him behind after he already left Three and Four.

But he also knew he'd have trouble keeping up with the two.

Five leaned forward as Twelve stopped in front of him. Five cupped the boy's cheek with his non-bloody hand, gazing into his eyes.

"You have to leave. Now. I'm going to find a way to get back to you okay? You got to trust me." Five stated, clenching his jaw at the sight of Twelve's tears, he used his thumb to wipe away a tear that fell down Twelve's cheek.

Twelve shook his head letting out a heartbreaking sob as he felt Eleven pull him away from the other boy.

"Please! No! NO! CAN'T LEAVE HIM!" Twelve shouted, going to reach out towards the wounded boy, feeling his heart race in panic as they get further away from the pipe.

Eleven grabbed the boy's hand and started running into the woods, leaving Twelve with no choice but to leave Five behind.

All he saw was a flash of blue come from the tube and he hoped the boy would be alright.


A/N) the first chapter is now out, I hope you guys liked it and come back for the second. Have a nice day you beautiful human <3

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