❛ I'll always come back to you, Twelve ❜
In which 011 & 012 find themselves on the run after escaping Hawkins Lab, meeting new faces and finding old ones.
❪ Dustin Henderson x Male!OC ❫
❪ season 1 - 3 ❫
will NOT be back for season 4
| 2019
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Levi and Five looked at Eleven with wide eyes as the girl along with the other outcasts turned to Five's shout.
Twelve gaped at his sister's slicked-back hair, black outlined eyes, and her dark clothes in awe as Five looked confused and weirded out.
"Bitchin'" Was all Eleven said while smirking and sharing a look with Kali.
Twelve clutched Ben and his new comic closer to his chest and gave the outcasts a hesitant smile. "Want to be bitchin' too."
Kali raised a brow at the boy before smiling softly. "Let's go."
Levi grinned and followed after Dottie and Kali up the stairs, nodding at Five to follow them, which he does.
"I'll wear the leather, but I'm not putting that black shit on my eyes." Five grumbled, crossing his arms.
Both Dottie and Levi had been trying to convince Five into the makeover since Levi was already done, with all black clothes on, other than his oversized jean jacket.
He had black eyeshadow around his eyes, making the bright blue eyes stand out even more with his natural curly hair gelled into a quiff.
"Come on!" Dottie whined, holding the palette of eyeshadow in her hand.
Five shook his head with a glare, "I'm not doing it."
"Fine." Dottie scowled, shoving the large leather jacket into the boy's arms. Five slipped it on over his already all-black outfit.
"Badass." Levi breathed out looking at his best friend with wide eyes causing Five to chuckle.
The boys followed Dottie downstairs seeing Kali and El talking and the others waiting.
Five put on a blank expression while crossing his arms over his chest, leaning against one of the pillars in the middle of the room. "So why do we need to look like this exactly?"
Axel rolled his eyes at the boy, already annoyed with Five's presence. Kali caught the look, sending daggers at the man. Even if she and Five didn't get along, she still respected him, and they have important plans then to listen to Five and Axel bicker even if it is slightly amusing.