02 | Mystery Man

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RUNNING, TWELVE AND ELEVEN HAD BEEN RUNNING FOR WHAT FELT LIKE HOURS but in reality, it's only been a few minutes

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RUNNING, TWELVE AND ELEVEN HAD BEEN RUNNING FOR WHAT FELT LIKE HOURS but in reality, it's only been a few minutes. They felt the leaves crunching under their bare feet, their legs were screaming at them to just sit down and rest, their lungs crying out for air, and the never-ending lines of trees swooshing in the wind like a scary movie with the dark night only the stars lighting their path.

Twelve whimpered in pain as he felt himself step on a sharp stick, wincing while stopping to take the stick out, leaving a cut.

Eleven panicked and stopped looking down at the boy's foot seeing blood trickle out a 1-inch wound on the bottom of his foot.

"Stop," Eleven stated, as she grabbed the boy's shoulders and sat him against a tree before sitting next to him.

"Stop?" Twelve repeated confusedly, gazing towards the girl who had blood running down her nose from using her powers too much.

"Rest." The girl nodded in confirmation. Twelve relaxed, lying his head on Eleven's shoulder, and looks down sadly at the octopus plushie that Five gave him years ago in his hands.

Five had said it was the only thing he had from his life before his mother died and Dr. Brenner took him to the lab. The only thing that he had from his normal life.

The boy sniffled, feeling the burning in his eyes as he remembered he had to leave behind Five.

His friend. Even though Five never told him exactly what that word meant.

He would've made it back to them by now, right?

He wouldn't leave me. Twelve thought, trying to reassure himself.

Eleven turned to him, smiling sadly at the boy's state. She really didn't know what he was feeling.

Eleven was never close to Three or Four like the boy was. They had a bond she never saw before, something she knew the boy never had before.

And she was only close with Five because he was protective of Twelve like she was. She and Five bonded over helping Twelve.

Because Twelve wasn't like most in the lab. He wasn't a soldier like them, masking his emotions behind a cold glare or silence.

He wore his emotions like a sleeve, people might call him a baby, but he's been through so much he doesn't have the energy to hide the pain anymore.

"He's okay," Eleven whispered, resting her head against his, lifting her hand to play with the boy's hair.

Twelve nodded, hugging the stuffed animal close to him as he closes his eyes as he feels Eleven playing with his messy curls, slowly drifting off to sleep.

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