❛ I'll always come back to you, Twelve ❜
In which 011 & 012 find themselves on the run after escaping Hawkins Lab, meeting new faces and finding old ones.
❪ Dustin Henderson x Male!OC ❫
❪ season 1 - 3 ❫
will NOT be back for season 4
| 2019
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LEVI DIDN'T KNOW how he got into this type of situation. Sitting in Five's lap in between an unknown grown man and El in a large truck riding to apparently his and Eleven's mother's house as Five explained.
The blue-eyed boy was confused because all this time he thought his mother was dead, that was what Hopper said. And then Eleven who is apparently named Jane, finds a paper and suddenly the woman is alive and he guesses his name is Jasper?
It's not really confusing but to him it is.
The drive was silent. An awkward silence which is the best silence, note the sarcasm.
Levi looked around the truck with pursed lips and wide eyes, trying to ignore the way Five would tense and squeeze him too tightly every time the old man shifted or fidgeted next to them.
The blue-eyed boy would fiddle with Ben, who sat in his lap, every time the man would glance at the three kids in curiosity. As Eleven just watched the trees pass through the window that Five made her sit by. For safety reasons.
Twelve heard Five let out a sigh in relief as the truck stopped. The breaks to the big yellow truck squealing loudly causing both El and Five to cringe.
Levi whimpers slightly, leaning his head against Five's shoulder as the sound reached his sensitive ears. Five turned his head slightly and kissed the side of Levi's head, before turning his soft expression into a scowl as the man started talking.
"All right. I think this is it. Five-one-five Larrabee, right?" The man stated, looking at the kids in curiosity and concern.
Five looked at the man next to him with a bored expression, "Yup." he said, popping the 'p'.
Eleven opened the door, mumbling a faint 'thank you' as Five tapped on Levi's thigh letting the blue-eyed boy climb out of his lap.
"Thank you, sir." Five smiled tightly as the man, before jumping out the truck as well, slamming the door and stretching his numb legs.
The teen didn't understand why Eleven wouldn't let him teleport them to the house, something about how it thrilled the girl or something Five didn't know about. Leaving the boy with the thought, Are all girls this way?
"You're heavy, did you know that?" Five grumbled, walking up the stone path, next to Levi, holding onto the bag that held the two boys' stuff in it, which wasn't a lot.
Levi glared at the older boy, nudging the boy's shoulder with his own while Five smirked, throwing his arm over Twelve's shoulder as they followed Eleven up the porch steps.
The boys sighed as Eleven wipes her hands on her jeans nervously, before knocking on the door loudly. El looks back at the boys awkwardly as a silence loomed over them when no one opens the door. She turns back to the door, knocking with more force.
"Go away! I'm not interested!" They heard a woman's voice shout from inside the house, causing El and Levi to flinch.
Five rolled his eyes, walking up to the door. "We don't have time for this," he grumbled, knocking on the door harshly.
Finally, a mad looking woman opened the bright red door, but not all the way. The chain lock on the door, holding it closed slightly but they all saw the angry brown haired lady with brown eyes.
"Look, I don't want your Thin Mints, alright, kids?" The lady said harshly.
El and Levi shared a look of confusion, "Thin Mints?"
"Or your religious mumbo jumbo. Whatever you're selling, I ain't buying, okay?" The lady continued, looking between the three through the small crack while shaking her head before slamming the door in their faces causing them all to flinch.
Eleven looked down as Five looked at her expectantly, throwing his hands out towards the door. "Well..."
Eleven looked at the older boy, before glaring at the bright red door. They all wait, hearing the chain fall from the lock before the door opens slowly, creaking eerily, while the two boys stand on each side of the girl, making them look like their about to pose for a movie poster.
The lady looked at them with wide eyes, taking in the girls bloody nose, Five's smug smirk, and Levi's smile.
"I want to see mama." El glared at the lady, taking Levi's hand in her free one as the lady looks at them in slight fear.
After a moment of silence, Five finally breaks it with a roll of his eyes. "Well, ma'am? You gonna show us or not?"
The lady let out a shaky breath as the three follow behind her, Five in the lead, not entirely trusting the woman.
They follow the lady as she turns, leaning against the doorway. Five slowly walks into the room, cautious. The green-eyed boy held his hand behind, letting Levi take it as Eleven finally came into the room.
The three kids looked towards the lady, who was sitting in a rocking chair, watching the screen that was playing jeopardy with wide eyes while muttering words under her breath which Levi didn't understand.
Eleven looked at Levi, but the boy just shook his head rapidly, stepping closer to Five who rolled his eyes at the two.
"Mama?" Eleven called out softly, not understanding what's wrong with the older lady.
The lady ignored her, still muttering while Eleven walked closer, crouching down beside the woman's chair. "Mama, do you hear me?"
The girl swallowed hard, staring at the woman in front of her. El turned slightly, looking up at Levi, holding her hand out.
Levi turned to Five, who nodded, letting the blue-eyed boy grasp Eleven's hand while she pulled him down to sit next to her. "Mama? It's me...Jane. Jasper's here too." The girl said, looking towards the boy who was holding tightly onto Ben.
"We're here now," Eleven stated, placing her free hand on top of the woman's that was sitting on the armrest.
Five watched the interaction with curious eyes, his gaze flickering to the fidgeting boy next to El. The teen leaned to whisper to the lady who let them in.
"What's wrong with her?" he questioned, the woman didn't answer causing him to roll his eyes.
Levi stayed silent but slightly jumped when the lady in the chair turned to them, looking between them blankly. Almost like she was looking through them.
"Breath. Sunflower. Rainbow. Four-fifty." the lady kept saying.
Levi and Eleven shared a look turning to look back, El questioning the lady next to Five.
"What's wrong with mama?"
••• A/N) Hi, hello! Hope you're having a wonderful day!
it's so cold where I live right now, so I'm just cuddled in my biggest blanket, reading with my plushie's lol.