Chapter 16

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It's been weeks. At first, Hyolyn was calling and texting me non stop. I had to turn off my phone for a couple of days. I got out of bed every day and opened up the hiding place where I kept something I was going to give to her. I had to hide it better since Chung ha was always getting into my things. It breaks my heart every day to not be able to talk to her. In only a couple of months, I've become so attached to Jinie. Now, my life is falling apart without her. "Jungkook your mother has requested your presence downstairs," the butler said before closing the door. I signed. "F**k you!" I yelled at the top of my lungs. Not to the butler, just to life in general. I'm mad at the world. Mad at my dad. My dad's not even alive. I chuckled thinking about it. I put on a shirt and walked downstairs as requested. My mom was waiting for me in the living room. Or as I like to call it, "The devil's lair". Every time she's here she's always in the living never anywhere else. She doesn't even watch tv she just sits there reading and drinking green tea. Never liked that crap. "Are you mad at me?" She asked before drinking a bit of the tea. I clenched my fist. My veins started showing. "Did you really just ask that question?" I said about to punch something. "Sit down." She said. I sat down in the furthest chair from her. "I've made plans for you." She said turning a page of her book. We stayed that way for about 15 minutes before I got up and simply left. She did that simply to annoy me. I went back to my room. I closed all the curtains locked the door and climbed on my bed. I the seemingly void of darkness I slept. I was refusing most meals. I would eat one every now and then and when I do it was only a little bit. I knew I getting skinner by the day but didn't care to pay any attention to it. Most people would say, "Why are you letting a breakup ruin your life like this?" I would reply saying something like, "Because of Hyolyn." I just realized I've been talking to myself lately. Like right now. Those were the things spinning through my head as I drifted to sleep. My life was as active as an elder.

~~Jinyoung/Hyolyn Pov~~

"So he just broke up with you like that?" Seulgi asked handing me a cup of tea. "Yeah but that's not important. Can we talk about the elephant in the room?" Seulgi signed. "He didn't do it, trust me." Seulgi said not needing me to tell her directly what to talk about. "I was there with a broken leg Seulgi. I saw him. I remember it in detail.


"I was talking to Jungkook on the phone and then out of nowhere I was hit and I found myself with a broken leg and my body was stuck and I couldn't move. Then I saw him. Your boyfriend just walled up and smiled. Then he made a call and said "yeah it's completed." then he walked away. Then I passed out."

*end of flashback*

"And I didn't dream it, and even if it was a dream why would I dream of him if I've never even seen him before that day. " Seulgi signed. "But yet you don't trust me enough to believe I would never lie to you. I've known you since second grade. You've known this guy for what, a couple of weeks. If you don't believe me then don't but at least look out for yourself around him more." I said concerned for Seulgi. "Alright fine." She finally gave in before resting her head on my pillow.

"What are you going to do about Jungkook?" Seulgi asked. "I- " Tears began to fall down my face. I loved him. No, I love him. I still love him. It's why I feel like he would never actually break up with me like that? I feel like it was maybe a bad dream, or maybe I didn't really know him at all." At this point, I was crying so much that I could make a pond. "I want answers." Seulgi mumbled under her breathe. I'm going to get answers." Seulgi said getting out of bed and walking to the door. Seulgi stopped when she reached the door. "I believe you by the way..." She paused in between her sentence before starting again. "And I know you're coming with me so hurry up and get yourself together." Seulgi started walking away but I quickly stood up and ran behind her.

We drove all the way to his house until we arrived by the gate to the mansion. Seulgi presses the button for the buzzer before a guy looking to be somewhere in his early fifties answered. "Hello, how can I help you?" The man said. "My name is Seulgi I'm here so my friend can talk to Jungkook." She said confidently. The man signed. "I'm sorry but Mr. Jungkook isn't seeing any guest today." Seulgi began to be annoyed. "Look I get your just doing your job and following orders but my friend really needs to see him." She said becoming inpatient. Before Seulgi says something offense I took over. "Ok, I know you know who I am. Jinyoung you know Hyolyn. He hasn't been answering my text or my calls and I need to speak to him, please." The man signed. "I'm sorry miss but Jungkook isn't accepting any quest today." the man said before moving on with his day. Seulgi face began to grow with rage." I grabbed her hand. "its ok I got this." I got out of the car before closing the door behind me. I walked over to the window if Seulgi's side of the car before saying. "It's ok. I'll get those answers. You go home now. I'll call you if I need anything." I was about to walk away when Seulgi said. "You sure?" I replied, "Positive." before stepping back to make space for Seulgi to drive away. Seulgi drove away leaving me at the mansion. I texted jungkook. "Meet me where you made your greatest promises. I'll wait till midnight." I put my phone back in my pocket then decided to find a way to get inside. I decided I was going to go trespass by climbing the wall. However, this was was at least seven feet tall. And I'm nowhere close to six feet. I saw some big rocks around and started collecting them to try and use them to reach the top of the wall. As I was doing this I thought about commercials or videos I would see sometimes that would say "kids, don't try this a home" before or after they do something that's potentially dangerous. Regardless I still tried. I was so close I just needed one more rock. So my idiotic self got another rock and piled it up on the other and climbed on top. I could actually touch go top of the wall. I was about to attempt to jump over when I heard a car pulling up to the end of the cul-de-sac I got startled and feel off hurting my knee in the process. I saw the car pulling into the mansion opening the gate. Ignoring my injury I got up a secretly followed behind getting in before the gate closed. I quickly ran into the trees before anyone could see me. I ran till I found the tree house Jungkook showed me that time ago. I walked in and jumped when I saw Jungkook sitting there looking out the window.

To be continued...

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