Chapter 1

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"Hey can you hand me a pen?" I said with a smile on my face.

"Your never prepared for things Hyolyn." Seulgi said making her lips thin.

"I know, and I'm sorry but it's the last time, promise and even though it's the last week of school you can't call me by my real name" I said as she handed me the pen.

My name is "Min Hyolyn" but not everyone knows that. You see my mom died soon after giving birth to me. She named me Hyolyn. It was the last words she said before she died right before the eyes of my father. Growing up I tired not to remind him of these events so I always told my dad I will change my name to Jinyoung. Of course I can only do it legally on my 18th birthday in 3 months. My father appreciates it but also feels guilty that I'm doing this. He's still trying to convince me not to.

Only a couple of people know about my real name. My best friend Seulgi, my dad, of course and my grandparents. Ever since I could speak i would call myself jinyoung to everyone I met it helped that my dad has no idea what girls wear so I grew up in boy clothes. Never worn a skirt in my life. It also helped that I insist on styling my hair like a guy. Besides me not having the parts I'm completely a boy. I also for some reason never grew a chest so everyone just believes im a guy and at the end of the day I'm ok with that.

~~after class~~

"Awwww Jinyoung how has your day been?" A group of girls came up to me talking in complete sync.

"We got you this" they said handing me a bag full of snacks.

"That's very nice but I've told you guys already to stop giving me gifts. It will make my girlfriend mad."

"But Jinyoung it's the last week of school just this once. Seulgi should understand the circumstances."


I grabbed the bag of snacks and walked away.

I met up with Seulgi after school because we walk home together every day. Seulgi and I have been best friends since kindergarten. I tell her everything. We're like soul sisters. She appreciates me so much that in order to get 90% of the girls out of my face every day she pretends to be my girlfriend. I don't know what I would do without her.

We were heading home but made a detour to stop at the store. We went to buy some food. I threw the snacks the girls gave me away. I just couldn't eat it. It was home cooked cookies with smiling faces that were melting away. It's probably diabetic too. Disgusting.

"I swear Seulgi I had enough of those fangirls. I'm so thankful it's the last week of our high school lives. "

"I know right we've been trying to get those girls out of your face since 7th grade. They never learn."

we walked into the store and all of a sudden I felt a hard chest on my forehead. Next thing I knew I was on the floor. He looked at me with worried eyes.

"I'm so sorry dude. You ok?"

I looked up and a guy was holding his hand out to me. He was wearing a nice red casual shirt. His eyes were wide and with out me realizing he was pulling me off the floor.

"Well if your ok I'll leave now"

He left and I heard Seulgi chuckling behind me.

"I thought the day when I see you attracted to someone would never come. And you said you were fully male. That looks like a whole lot of femininity to me. " Seulgi said laughing inbetween her words.

"I could be gay." I said hoping for a reaction but Seulgi ignored me.

"It's such a cliché too, the handsome fella accidentally bumps into you and you fall on the floor only for him to pick you up and you gaze into is eyes to fall in love. she said in the longest run on sentence ever before she started clapping her hands.

She continued to babble more until I punched her arm and she finally stopped.

"Lets go before your loud month makes people think your drunk." I said trying not to laugh.

~~~~Graduation day ~~~~

The last couple of days of school went by fast. And it was finally time to graduate. I was wearing my cap and gown and was ready to go. Outside my house with Seugi's parents and my dad we took at least 100 pictures and my dad even started crying a bit. After the ceremony everyone was basically in the foot ball field talking and having a blast even though graduation was over. I went round to some of my friends. None nearly as close as Seulgi but I figured I should at least say bye to them. This is likely to be the last time I see them for a while if I do ever see them again.

"Hey, moonbin have a good life ok work hard and stop sleeping half the time." I hugged him along with others.

There was one last person I hadn't said bye too. The Valedictorian Sunmi. She invited her entire family here. So I could of hardly gotten to her.

"Sunmi! " I called her name getting her attention.

"Oh hey pretty Jinyoung" she replied

That was the only thing I hated about Sunmi she was always low-key flirting with me but she's still a friend.

"I just wanted to tell you bye ok. It's likely we won't see each other again."

" ok ok don't get cheesy about it. Give me my hug already," she said spreading her arms out.

I gave her a big hug attempting to squeeze her till she burst.

"Don't kill her now." A man said jokingly

I heard a voice behind me. I turned around and he was walking up to the two of us.

"Sorry, your getting just a bit too comfortable with my little sister and your a guy so I'm gonna have to take her." He said grabbing her hand.

It was the guy from the store.

"Jungkook would you calm down this is just my friend Jinyoung. He's harmless and already has a girlfriend." Sunmi said, annoyed.

my eyes were wide and I was starting to blush a bit. I don't know what it is about him. I can't stop staring.

"Oh wait you're the guy I bumped into at the store. Nice to meet you I'm Jeon Jungkook, Sumi's older brother." He said holding his hand out.

"Oh yeah, I think I remember you. (I completely do) I'm Min Jinyoung." I said shaking his hand.

"Nice to me you again Min Jinyoung"

To be continued...

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