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The music blasted from the speakers of the red hatchback. Danny sat in the driver seat the wind blowing through his hair as the sun began to set. It had been 3 months since they were home.

Jorel bounced beside him excitedly. "I can't waaaiittt to get home."

Danny smirked. "I bet you can't." He shook his head as Jorel chuckled. "When we get home we're dropping our stuff off and going straight to the girls house."

Jorel smiled as he stared out the window. "Fuck yeah."

Ronnie and Dylan exchange a look in the back seat. Ronnie shrugged before popping his head up front. "What girls?"

Both the boys got very quiet as they looked at each other.

"Oh um..my girlfriend and Danny's...friend." Jorel nodded and Ronnie stared at him.

"You have a girlfriend?"

Dylan shook his head. "Why is this the first time we're hearing about this?"

Jorel chuckled as he anxiously brought a hand to his neck. "I forget that everyone doesn't just naturally know."

It wasn't long before Danny pulled the car into the driveway. He turned the engine off as he looked over at Jorel with a grin. A few more cars pulled in behind him and he sighed.

They had just spent 3 months in grueling training at a farm in Wyoming. The rest of the pack had followed them home and they were less than happy about it.

Danny threw his door open. He stretched slightly. He never even saw the girl coming, the small brunette threw herself into the boy's arms and he spun her around before putting her back on the ground.


Danny made sure she was steady on her feet before taking a step back to look at her. "Aria!" He mimicked and she rolled her eyes.

She squeezed him slightly. "I missed you!"

Danny rocked her as he chuckled. "God, I missed you so much. The phone calls weren't enough."

"Phone calls?" Jorel inserted himself into the conversation.

Aria looked between the two confused. "Yeah? Danny called me every month."

"You what?! We weren't allowed phones!"

"Fuck the rules." Danny laughed.

"Un-fucking-believable." Jorel groaned.

"You know Jorel this wouldn't happen if you went to high school." The girl shrugged and all three of them chuckled.

Ronnie and Dylan shared a look.

"Stop making me laugh. I'm pissed at both of you." Jorel grumbled.

For the first time Aria really looked at Danny and her eyes widened. "What is this?" She gawked as her hand ran down his abdomen.

Danny chuckled as he grabbed her hand gently. "What do you mean?"

"This was never hard before and where did these come from?" She grabbed his forearm gently and he shook his head a smile on his face.

"We..worked out a lot on the farm."

The girl frowned. "You hate the gym."

Danny grinned at her. "I do hate the gym."

Ronnie cleared his throat and Danny glanced at the 15 people staring at him. The girl paled as she noticed all the people around them. This was Danny's least favorite part about being alpha, eyes were always on him. Sometimes he wished he would have just let the other guys beat him up.

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