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Danny hummed quietly. Aria was still asleep, he ran his fingers over her arm, this was the happiest he'd ever been.

He shifted slightly as he turned the tv on. He didn't want her to wake up and he be gone again but he was going on hours of being awake and he wasn't sure what to do with himself.

Danny froze he watched as the news anchor motioned toward an alleyway. The words "wolf attack in the city" flashed across the screen. He jumped up so fast that Aria jumped. She groaned slightly and Danny frowned. He hadn't been thinking.

"Danny? What's wrong?"

"I..need to run home real quick."

"Why?" The girl rubbed her eye gently before running a hand through her knotted hair.

He paused. "I want to make sure my friends are okay, there was a wolf attack last night."

"That's so scary." She mumbled and Danny leaned down to kiss her gently.

"I'll be right back, okay? Just lie down, I'm sorry I didn't mean to wake you up."

The girl laid back down, pulling the blanket to her chin she snuggled under it. "It's okay, I needed to wake up soon anyway.

Danny paused he kissed her forehead gently and the girl giggled quietly. "I'll be right back."

She nodded and Danny slowly made his way out the room. He closed the door behind himself before running down the stairs.

He was across the yard and at his front door in minutes. He threw the door opened as the whole pack glanced at him.

"Morning, stud." Ronnie raised a brow and Danny gave him a warning look.

"I'm going to get Jorel, none of you fucking move."

Danny walked right through the living room and up the stairs.

"Okay, who pissed Danny off?" Ronnie groaned.

Johnny scoffed. "You, you're the one that won't let him wallow in his virginity."

"I didn't fucking do anything." Ronnie glared at him and Johnny rolled his eyes.

"Keep up your shit Radke and I'll beat the fuck out of you."

"Go ahead. It'll be worth it to watch Danny beat your ass after." Ronnie scoffed.

Johnny opened his mouth but quickly shut it as Danny marched Jorel downstairs. Once in the room everyone got very quiet.

Danny crossed his arms as he leveled his gaze on them. "Who fucking left the house last night?"


Danny growled slightly. "I asked you all a question someone answer me or you're all getting punished. Do you understand me?"

Dylan shifted uncomfortably. "Charlie and I were having sex in your bathroom. We were here all night. I don't know about everyone else."

"Dylan." Charlie blushed slightly and the Mexican wrapped his arm around him.

Ronnie cleared his throat. "Look I can vouch for a lot of us and I'm usually not inclined to do that. No one left last night, I swear."

Danny stared at him before turning to look at Jorel. "You were watching them, right?"

"Of course."

"All night?"

Jorel switched from one foot to the other. "Most of the night, Tori and I went to bed."

Danny stared at him before pinching the bridge of his nose, hard. "Jorel, I needed you to do one thing for me. What the fuck?"

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