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Danny sighed as he ran a hand over his face making his way down the stairs. He'd spent the last 6 hours tangled up with Aria, the girl hadn't slept at all last night and Danny had just finally convinced her to sleep.

Once his feet hit the floor the whole pack stared at him.


Ronnie cleared his throat. "You've um been gone for awhile.."

Danny rubbed his temple. "I know, I'm sorry. Are you all okay?"

"Are you okay?" Dylan raised a brow and Danny stared at him.

"I'm fine, why?"

Ronnie chuckled quietly. "You really up there doing everything BUT sex."

Danny blushed slightly. "I..don't know what's happening." He admitted. "There's..something wrong with her. Aria..isn't like this, she's so shy and..I don't know. She's literally all over me."

Rasing a brow Ronnie stared at him. "Wait is this a bad thing?"

Danny shook his head. "No, I mean kinda. I just..listen somethings wrong. The gash on her arm is just gone, and she's so hot.."

"Well I'm glad you think your girlfriends hot but.."

Danny quickly cut him off. "No, her skin is hot, like really hot. Like she has a fever but she seems fine..sorta. When she wakes up, look at her arm it's like she never got hurt and she's acting like it's completely fine, she's not phased at all." Danny sighed as he plopped down on the couch.

"That's.." Dylan started as the girl's feet hit the floor, they hadn't even heard her coming. "Hey white girl." Dylan cleared his throat trying to warn the others so they'd shut up.

"Hi." She quickly walked right past all the other members of the pack, plopping down on the couch next to Danny, she grabbed his hand.


"Where did you go?"

Danny shrugged. "I just..wanted to check on my friends. You should be sleeping, you only slept for a couple hours. Aren't you tired?" Danny tucked a stray curl behind her ear and the girl shook her head.

"I'm not tired anymore."

The pack shared uneasy glances and Danny cleared his throat slightly. "Are you sure?"

"Mhmm." She nodded as she moved to cling to his side.

Wrapping his arm around her, Danny rubbed her arm gently.

She kissed his jaw and Danny fidgeted slightly. "Ari, um I'm hungry could you make something real quick?" Danny desperately wanted her out of the room, he needed help sorting this out.

"Danny." She whined. "Can't you just order something? I missed you."

"Um..okay." Danny was at a loss for words.

She snuggled closer as she laid her head on his shoulder.

"Baby, are you feeling okay?"


She played with his hair gently and Danny kissed her cheek lightly. They were in a room full of people but you couldn't tell by the way Aria was acting.

"Tori, no." Jorel sighed as he made his way down the stairs, the girl was grabbing at him the whole way.

"But Jojo...please.."

"Tori, I need water and you need sleep. Why don't you go up stairs I'll be up in a minute."


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⏰ Last updated: Jul 07, 2019 ⏰

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