Movie Dates

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"When the fuck are they going to wake up?" Ronnie groaned.

It was nearly 8 o'clock in the morning and everyone was getting testy. They couldn't do anything without Danny's permission so they had spent most of the morning since 4 sitting alone in the girls kitchen. Werewolves required less sleep than humans so at the very least the boys should be awake.

"I'm sure Jorel wore himself out last night so we won't be seeing him for awhile." Matty scoffed.

"Man, let the boy live. He ain't got it in 3 months." Dylan shook his head. "Y'all are hateful."

"Can we focus more on our alpha that isn't getting laid?"

Dylan glanced at Ronnie. "That one hurt. I got my ass handed to me by a virgin." Dylan admitted.

"He likes Aria right?" Charlie leaned his head on Dylan's shoulder as he played with his fingers.

"I think so?"

Ronnie nodded. "Definitely.".

"Then what the fuck is the problem?" Dylan groaned.

Ronnie shrugged. "I don't fucking know but I'm fixing this. Danny is getting it whether it's with this girl or not."

They heard a girl grumble as a door closed. "Someone's awake."

Aria came down the stairs Danny following closely behind her. The girl rubbed her eyes as she grumbled.

Aria made a beeline for the cabinets. She pulled out a bottle of ibuprofen as Danny touched her arm gently. "I'll get you water."

"You're an alcoholic bully." The girl mumbled and Dylan chuckled.

"He's definitely a bully."

Danny glared at the Mexican before turning his attention back on the brunette. "I know, I'm sorry." He lightly ran his fingers down her arm.

The girl groaned. "No more alcohol for a month."

"A week."



The two stared at each other for a moment before the girl laughed quietly. "Fine you win a week."

Danny grinned as he watched the girl throw two pills into her mouth before handing her the bottle of water.

"You're not even hung over. Asshole." She grumbled and Danny chuckled.

"Come on, someone's cranky. Let's go lie down until you feel better."

"You're cranky." She grumbled.

"Daniel, we need guidance." Johnny crossed his arms.

Danny groaned. "Ari, I'll meet you in the living room."

The girl shrugged.

"Bye white girl." Dylan chuckled.


Johnny threw his hands in the air. "Are you serious? You're the fucking alpha act like it."

Danny rolled his eyes. "What do you need? I don't want to babysit today."

Johnny was ready to explode. "I need you to care more about this pack."

"I do care about the pack but you aren't children. I don't have to babysit you all day. I'm not you, you can have some damn free will, Johnny. You want to go somewhere? Great, let me know and be back by dark."

Everyone shared a look. "Seriously, so if I wanted to, I don't know, take my white boy out for breakfast, that's cool?"

Danny nodded. "Dylan you can take your boyfriend on a date as long as you let me know where you are and you check in every hour because it'll drive me insane if I don't know." Danny rubbed his temple, he didn't have a choice but to care. Something in him just wouldn't shut up about it.

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