Date Night

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Danny ran a hand through his hair, sighing he made his way down stairs. It was early. The sun had just come up half an hour ago, he knew because he barely slept at all last night. His mind focused on Aria, he was nearly crawling out of his skin, he couldn't stay in bed any longer.

Once his feet hit the floor he had the whole packs attention. He sighed. "Good morning."

"Morning stud, so how'd last night go?" Ronnie cocked an eyebrow and Danny stared at him.

"What are you talking about?"

Ronnie groaned. "For the love of god, please tell me you touched that girl."

Danny stared at him before rolling his eyes as he made his way to the kitchen.

"Danny." Ronnie groaned as he followed.

"It's none of your business." Danny grumbled as he reached into the fridge for a water. He walked right around Ronnie making his way back into the living room he plopped down on the couch and sighed.

The floor creaked up stairs and they all glanced at each other. It was so early they weren't expecting anyone to be up. They heard the sounds of bare feet against hard wood floor as they made their way down the hall quickly, a door opened followed by a frantic female voice.

"Jorel! Out I need to talk to my sister. Jorel, get out."

A few moments later Jorel came down the stairs rubbing his eye he grumbled. "What did you do?" He looked directly at Danny who paled.

"I don't know.."

"Shush. I can't hear what they're saying." Ronnie rolled his eyes.

"What the fuck is happening?" Tori groaned.

"I..need you. I'm freaking out."

Tori huffed. "It's so early, Aria. What's wrong?"

"I know I'm sorry, I should have checked the time before I woke you up. I just..woke up and panicked. I'm sorry." The girl rambled quietly.

"Aria, you're scaring me. What's wrong?"

They heard the bed groan as the girl sat down. "I...kissed Danny last night."

There was a slight pause. " and Danny have kissed at least 5 times before. What's the problem?"

"No, no Tori. I KISSED kissed Danny last night."

Ronnie raised a brow at Danny who shook his head. He rubbed his temple gently.

"About time! Was it good??"

Ronnie and Dylan shared a look.

The girl groaned. "Tori, please focus."

"I am very focused on whether it was good or not."

Aria huffed. "Of course it was's Danny. Everywhere he touches burns." The girl mumbled.

Dylan paused. He looked at Charlie who was already staring at him wide eyed.

Tori radiated excitement. The bed squeaked slightly as she bounced excitedly. "Isn't it the best feeling? I knew it would be good! I want details. Did we lose some clothes? Was there tongue?"

"Tori! Focus!"

"Okay! Okay, I'm sorry but I don't see a problem. You complain when Danny doesn't touch you and now we're complaining because he did?"

She quickly cut Tori off. "I don't think Danny wanted to kiss me."

Tori got very quiet as she got more serious. "Why?"

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