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Went downstairs to check on the guys. I love you.

Danny smiled to himself as he made his way down the stairs. Running a hand through his tussled hair he met all the questioning glances.

"Good morning?"

"Wow, you look even better shirtless." Ronnie smirked and Danny stared at him.

"I have to go home and get clothes." He mumbled.

"Trust me no one is complaining." Ronnie chuckled.

Danny pinched the bridge of his nose. "Ronnie, just..stop. It's too early for this."

Dylan rolled his eyes. "Ronnie, stop harassing Danny. You know it's real exhausting protecting the men and women of the world from you."

Chuckling Ronnie turned his attention on the brunette standing awkwardly in his grey sweatpants. "Nice dick imprint, I'm impressed."

Danny's mouth dropped, he shook his head. "No, just no." Turning around he made his way into the kitchen Ronnie and the others following closely behind him.

Ronnie shrugged. "I'm just saying. It was a compliment, the polite thing would be to thank me but it's fine."

Danny stared at him.

Grinning Ronnie took a seat at the table. "So, how was last night, stud?"

Danny paused, the refrigerator door wide open. "Fine, why?"

"What did you do last night?"

Danny shrugged. "Nothing really."

"You seem like you're in a better mood."

"Yeah, I guess so."

Ronnie huffed. "For the love of god, please just tell me you got head."

Danny stared at him. "How...what the fuck did you do?"

Shrugging Ronnie crossed his arms. "I had a talk with your girl."

"You what?" Danny nearly snapped. He rubbed his temples gently as he desperately tried to remain calm.

"She needed a push in the right direction. You were so miserable so I thought I'd help you out. No need to thank me."

Danny stared at him. Within two large steps Danny had Ronnie held in the air by his shirt. The man squirmed slightly and Danny decked him, hard, before dropping him to the floor.

Ronnie's nose gushed blood as he made a pained noise.

"Don't speak to Aria again, do you understand?"

"Yes, Danny. Of course, I'm sorry."

Danny growled under his breath as he pinched his nose. "I should beat the fuck out of you for making me hit you. Do you think I like hurting you guys?"

Dylan shook his head. "Of course not, you're a good alpha."

Danny sighed as the stairs creaked.

Everyone shared a look as the whole pack went silent.


Danny rubbed his face. "Ari?"

The girl came smiling into the room but she stopped dead in her tracks once she noticed the bleeding man on the floor. "Oh my god! Is your friend okay?!"

Danny glanced from Ronnie to Aria and nodded. "He fell."

"What did you hit?"

Ronnie stared at her.

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