What the Fuck Did I Do Last Night?

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The sun had come up nearly 40 minutes before Jorel whipped into his parking spot. The 2 hour drive had been a collage of panic and fear as Jorel hazardously drove them home.

Jorel was at least slightly relieved. He could feel Tori again but he could tell she wasn't okay and it was driving him crazy.

The boys burstEd through the door as Jorel took off up the stairs. "Tori?! Baby?! Tori?!!"

After searching the upstairs top to bottom Danny and Jorel returned downstairs defeated.

"They aren't here." Danny started to pace slightly as he looked to Jorel for help, he was the only real person he could rely on.

Jorel shook his head as he made his way to the door. "We have to find them."

"Guys, come on calm down." Ronnie bit his lip. "You can feel them with your creepy imprinting shit, right?"

Danny nodded as Jorel scoffed under his breath. "Yeah, I can FEEL that she's NOT okay."

Ronnie instantly shut his mouth as Jorel laid into him about minding his own business. Danny glanced around the room, nothing was out of place, not a single thing.

"You okay?" Dylan rested a gentle hand on Danny's shoulder and the boy sighed before shaking his head.

He was far from okay, he physically felt sick and the only person that could fix it was missing.

After some coaxing Dylan, Charlie and Ronnie had convinced the boys that staying at the house was the most logical thing to do. Jorel spent the next few hours calling hospitals with no luck.

Jorel was shaking by the time the door opened, without a second thought he nearly tackled the purple haired girl as soon as she entered the room and instantly she started sobbing.

"Baby?! What's wrong?!" Pulling away his eyes widened as he took in the amount of blood covering her being. "Where are you hurt?! Where is this blood coming from?!"

She chocked out an "I don't know." as Aria stepped into the room before quietly closing the door behind her.

She took a deep breath as she turned around her eyes meeting with a Danny's, she whimpered quietly as she wrapped her arms around herself.

"Ari?.. hey it's okay." Using his gentlest voice Danny made his way over to her wrapping her up in his arms.

As soon as his arms were around her the girl bursted into tears surprising Danny, Aria barely ever cried, she didn't want to make people uncomfortable.

Pulling her closer Danny kissed her forehead gently. "Talk to me, it's okay. You're safe now, I won't let anything hurt you, okay? Ari, please stop crying."

Jorel and Danny made eye contact briefly before Jorel turned his undivided attention on the girl still sitting on the ground. He scooped her up gently before setting her down onto the couch and wrapping her back up into his arms. Smoothing down her hair he whispered a chorus of "I love you"s as he reminded her that she was safe now over and over again.

Danny sighed. Jorel wasn't going to be much help.

"I don't know what's happening." The brunette clung onto Danny as she buried her face in his neck.

"It's okay." Danny assured as the girl shook her head.

"It's not okay, this isn't okay, whose blood is this?"

"I don't know." Danny admitted as he rubbed her back gently. He had no idea what to do, he wished he was as good at the boyfriend thing as Jorel was. Tori had already calmed down for the most part.

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