Full Moon

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Danny grinned to himself as he made his way down the stairs, he was on cloud nine and he was positive nothing could ruin this feeling.

"Morning, stud."

Danny shook his head a smile still on his face. "Good morning."

Dylan raised a brow. "You're in a good mood."

Shrugging, Danny plopped down onto the couch.

"Did you...?" Ronnie wiggled his eyebrows slightly and Danny rolled his eyes.

"No, Ronnie, still a virgin, still tired of you asking."

Ronnie groaned. "Listen, I had high hopes when you employeed Jorel to babysit us, okay?"

Dylan chuckled. "Calm down, Ronnie. Something happened, obviously, or he wouldn't be this pleasant. Do us all a favor and don't ruin it."

Ronnie had just been about to open his mouth when Aria came down the stairs, grumbling to herself as she rubbed at her eye, running a hand through her hair she made her way over to Danny.

Danny frowned. "You're up early, are you okay?"

To be honest, Aria didn't feel okay. Her head was pounding, and her bandaged arm burned.

"Yeah, I can't sleep without you." She admitted and Danny took her hand placing a kiss to her knuckles.

"I'm sorry, I didn't know. We can go back to bed if you want?"

The girl shook her head. "No, it's okay. I'm already up. I'm going to make breakfast."

Danny frowned slightly, something felt wrong. He had this tight feeling in his chest that was borderline painful, it was making him nauseous. "You're sure you're okay?"

The girl nodded again. "Yeah, I'm okay." Danny seemed less than convinced. Aria sighed softly before kissing his cheek gently. She was more than aware of all the eyes on her. "Is there anything specific you want for breakfast?"

Danny shook his head. "I'm not hungry, sit with me." He tugged on her hand gently, his heart rate was increasing as his anxiety hit a whole new level. The rest of the pack glanced at him nervously, of course they had noticed the change in him and it was putting them all on edge.

Aria shook her head. "I can't. You know I have to feed Tori and Jorel."

"Tori and Jorel are adults."

"Barely." The girl sighed. "I'll make eggs. Those are quick. Okay?"

Danny frowned. "Okay, but I'm coming with you."

Aria squeezed his hand gently as she smiled softly. "Okay."

Leading Danny into the kitchen, she released his hand before reaching into the fridge. With shaky hands she grabbed the carton of eggs, swearing under her breath when she nearly dropped them. She was so irritated but she had no idea why.

Danny frowned as she cracked the egg sighing quietly, she massaged her temple.


The girl flipped the egg over as Danny came up behind her, resting his hands on her hips, he pulled her closer before placing a single kiss to her neck.


"You sure you're okay?"

She nodded slowly as she placed the egg on a plate. Spinning around in his arms, she wrapped her arms around his neck before placing her lips against his softly.

Danny tightened his grip on her as he returned the kiss pulling her closer. Deepening the kiss, Danny parted her lips with his own, slipping his tongue into her mouth slowly. Running his hands over her thighs he picked her up, setting her down on the counter, she gasped quietly.

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