Touch Me

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~2 weeks later~

Jorel grumbled as he descended down the stairs. He was flustered, it wasn't often that someone interrupted Tori and Jorel time but when it did happen Jorel's whole mood would plummet and nobody wanted to deal with that.

Once his feet hit the floor the pack stared at him wide eyed, it was always strange seeing Jorel without Tori.

Danny glanced at him. "Hey, J."

He made an annoyed sound as he plopped down on the couch.

"Is your shirt inside out?" Ronnie cocked a brow and Jorel groaned. He practically tore the clothing from his body before tossing it hazardously onto the coffee table.

Danny shook his head. "Tori's going to be pissed if you leave that there. You know that right?"

Grumbling Jorel picked the shirt back up before laying it back down on the couch.

Dylan and Ronnie looked at each other. "Speaking of Tori, where's  your white girl?" Dylan casually wrapped his arm around Charlie, who leaned his head against his shoulder, the biggest smile etched across his face.

Glaring at Danny Jorel shook his head. "Aria needed to talk to her."

Paling slightly Danny ran a hand over his face. "Fuck, what did I do?"

"I don't know but you better fix your shit, I'm getting real tired of sharing Tori."

Ronnie cocked a brow. "Aria is her sister?"

"Yes and?"

Ronnie shook his head. His nose was finally almost healed and he'd like to keep it that way. Jorel was more than possessive over that girl and Ronnie did not want to deal with any of that.

"Do you assholes want to hear what they're saying or not? Shut the fuck up." Rolling his eyes Johnny huffed, crossing his arms over his chest as he stared at Danny.

Danny stared back for a moment before shaking his head. Johnny wasn't worth it.

"Is this the sex talk?"

"No.. kinda..not really though." The brunette bit her lip.

Tori huffed. "Aria, what did he do now?"

"Nothing! Nothing, just... that's the problem." She sighed.

"Aria, it's so early please just tell me your problem so I can go lay on Jorel and you can go make breakfast."

She paused, making sure she had all the right words before continuing. " I... get Danny to touch me?"

Ronnie cocked a brow at Danny and he sighed before shaking his head.

Tori stared at her. "I thought you and Danny were on a touching basis?"

Aria picked at her nails as she bit her lip. "Well..kinda. I touch him but he never.."

"You touch him?" Tori cut her off as she crossed her arms.

The girl nodded slowly. "Yeah..all the time. I thought that if I just kept touching him that he'd touch me but I must be doing something wrong."

Tori stared at her. "You are not the problem. Ari, you are doing everything right. I'm yelling for Jorel right not, we're fixing this. I don't know what game Danny is playing but I'll kill him."

Jorel stared at Danny and he shook his head. He could take the pressure from Ronnie and Dylan and the rest of the pack but he could tell Jorel was about to go big brother and he wanted nothing to do with that.

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