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Aria sighed as she shifted slightly on the couch a pained noise falling from her lips. They had gotten home an hour before the sun came up. Neither of them could sleep. Aria was currently cuddled on the couch a fuzzy blanket covering herself.

Tori hadn't stop crying since the hospital. She felt so guilty even with Aria adamantly telling her she was fine.

The purple haired girl sniffled and Aria sighed again. "Tori?"

The girl looked at her with tear stained eyes.

" talk to Danny about..all this. Okay?"

The girl nodded, the two returned to the silence they had become accustomed to.

It wasn't long before the door flew open. Aria shook her head slightly as Tori began to sob. She watched as Jorel made a beeline for Tori. He threw himself down on the couch, wrapping his arms around her, he pulled her into his chest. Jorel kissed the top of her head as the girl buried her face in his chest.

"Baby, what's wrong?"

The girl shook her head as the rest of the pack made their way in.

She glanced at Danny, a whole new wave of tears falling from her eyes. "Danny, I'm so sorry. This is all my fault..." The girl took a shakey breath. "I should have listened to you and Aria would be okay. I'm so sorry, I'll never not listen to you again."

Danny stared at her. Reminding himself that he was not supposed to know what happened, he took a deep breath. "Tori, what are you talking about?"

The girl shook her head before burying her face back into Jorel's shirt. Jorel sighed as he rubbed a gentle hand up and down the girl's spine. He whispered an "I love you" as Tori clung harder.

"Ari, what's going on?"

She paled slightly, this was not how she wanted this conversation to happen. "I..I'm fine."

Danny knew, for a fact, that she was not fine but he couldn't let her know that. "Ari?"

The girl shook her head. "Tori made me go to Taco Bell and everything was fine and then it wasn't."

"I got you mauled." Tori sobbed as Jorel pulled her closer.

"What?" Danny sounded slightly panicked and she sighed.

"We were almost to the car when all these wolves showed up, there was like 40 of them. I didn't think packs were that big."

"40?" Dylan chimed in, the Mexican going slightly pale.

Aria nodded. "I was carrying the food so.. the smell must have attracted them to me? I don't really know. I threw the food at it but it didn't seem to care."

Danny frowned slightly. The food smell wasn't what attracted them, it was his smell. Aria wreaked of him.

"Are you okay?"

The girl nodded and Tori took a shakey breath.

"She got 42 stitches and it's all my fault." Another sob rocked her core and Jorel frowned.

Aria frowned slightly. "Tori's really upset."

"Ari, you got 42 stitches?"

"Yeah, but I'm okay! Really, it doesn't even hurt that bad. It's fine, I'm fine." She rambled slightly before biting her lip.

"Can..I see it?"

Aria shrugged off the blanket. Her arm was wrapped in gauze, the right side of her body was drenched in dried blood. "It's wrapped right now, do you want me to take it off?"

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