He asked me out?

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  • Dedicated to Debra Oki


My alarm clock keeps ringing for what seemed like forever.

 what now? 

I press dismiss and open up my blurry eyes to the sunshine blaring in my face.

Its like 8 o'clock. Why is the sun so bright? Maybe that's what I get for living in this Texas sun.

Kneeling down, I say a short prayer to the one that woke me up this morning. I get up and rub my awake eyes. Slipping on my fuzzy slippers by my white minimalistic bed, I start my day by washing my face and brushing my teeth. 

Right after that, I head to my mini kitchen and make myself some coffee using my Keurig Coffee Mixer. I toast some bread and spread some butter on it.

I flop down on my couch and checked what I missed last night on Tumblr and Instagram

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I flop down on my couch and checked what I missed last night on Tumblr and Instagram.

It has been 4 days since the incident. John was always alerting me news about my car since his insurance covered the cost and gave me a rental car. That alone made me want to join his insurance company. John is new to the state and I encouraged him to join my church.


I am dressed up in my house wear; a pair of cozy socks, gray sweatpants and a purple top. I had only put my long hair in a messy bun and applied mascara and lipstick to feel like I had done a lot of work on my makeup. My phone rings as I am reading my devotional on my chair in my room.

"Morning Liv. I have great news!" John exclaims.

"Morning to you too, John" I reply to his enthusiastic tone. "Your car is fixed and everything seems to be going perfectly. I am coming over to your house to pick you up. Mind getting a jacket, the weather is kind of cold out here" He cuts off.

It was true. It was getting colder here in Texas since it was October but we are known for our high humidity. I quickly grab my gray sweater off my hanger, put that on and read the remaining of my devotional.

In no less than 10 minutes, there was a knock on my apartment door. I look through the door hole and I see Jonathan's face.

I opened the door. "Hey" we both said. He gave me a warm smile and closed the door for me.

I locked my door and entered his car. "So how was your morning?" I asked, breaking the silence that went on for minutes since we were on the road.

"Good. I just got myself prepared. Read my bible and got the call from the mechanic" He looked at me and smiled. I was thinking to myself, why was he so handsome, God? I think he saw me blushing because he started laughing, hysterically.

"What?" I beamed.

I could feel my cheeks getting hotter by the second.

Great Liv. Just great.

"Your face when I smiled" He laughed even more, which made me annoyed. I punched him in the arm, playfully. He kept on laughing.

I couldn't take it anymore!!!

Thank God that we were at the mechanic. "Here we are" John announced as he parked his car. I got out of the car and headed to mine. It looked beautiful. I started thanking God. "That means I got to leave" John said, heading towards his car. "I owe you a big one. I promise. Thank you for everything. Meet you at bible study next week". I waved.

He smiled, perfect good-looking teeth showing! "Let me take you somewhere" He asked, reluctant at first until my reply.

"Sure" I replied.

"Tonight at 4?" He asked again. 

" 'Kay" I shrieked.

Thank you, Jesus. 

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