Family Gathering

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We were going to meet each others parents at John's parents house. John's mom said it was the best she could do. We haven't told our parents yet about our engagement but we wanted to make it a surprise.

I am reading my devotional in my car. I stop in front of a big house. I check my GPS to make sure that it took me to the right place. "Hey" says a voice behind me. I jump in shock. I turn around and see John, hands in his pockets. I wind down my window. He gives me a small kiss on the lips. I open the door and follow him into the house. He is holding my waist.

"Welcome home" says a 47 year old looking woman. "You must be John's girlfriend. I am his mom. Call me, Louie" she seats us down on a big wide white couch. "Do you need help with anything?" I ask getting up from the couch. "No, I have my maids do it" she then goes upstairs and calls 2 maids down to settle us.

"Your parents are-" he cuts me off. "They are rich. Dad works for the government and mom, she is a doctor". John gets up and goes to the half bathroom.

The door bell rings. I walk to the door but a maid already gets it. "Olivia!"exclaims my mom. I hug her. I have already seen her but I still miss her. I hug my dad, too.

"Welcome home" John's father says. I look up at the stairs and see a nice groomed man walking down. He handshakes my dad and gives a peck to my mom. "Where is John?" "He went to the restroom". John comes out.

"Morning" he says taking a seat next to me.

"Let's pray before the meeting" John's dad says. We pray and seat down. The living room is huge. A 60" inch TV*smart TV*, a polished coffee table, 3 white couches. Beautiful pictures hunged on the wall and 2 bible verses canvas. The coffee table is resting on top of a furry white carpet. The rest is polished hardwood floor.

3 maids come and bring fruit kabobs and chilled drinks. We say thanks and start talking. *Jm-john's mom* *Jd-john's dad* *Lm-liv's mom* Ld- Liv's dad* *L-Liv* *J-John*

Jm- we are here to discuss about the reuniting of our children

J- we have good news for you

L- we are engaged

*Parents gush as Olivia shows the ring* (Picture to the right)

Ld- My girl

L- I know

Jd- how much did this cost son?

J- not that much, just a few grams. She deserved it

Lm- that is adorable. Look at it. This is beautiful. Omg!

Jd- so when are we going to be at the wedding day? I know that the wedding is going to be packed.

J-yes father. With your government and everything else

*they all laugh*

L- I was thinking that we could separate. Female with female and male with male., makeup, bridal shower, dresses. Male....tux, hunting skills, baby classes

Lm- sweetheart you have moved into another level.

Jm- I will call a friend of mine to come at 3 to discuss about the registry and I will find a wedding planner.

Lm- I will find the best food planner and a very nice baker

We were talking until it was 2:00. We discussed about the cake, colors, the bridesmaid and groomsmen, pastor, the reception, how much money needed, if we should cast a CD for the wedding, how many people we are expecting. We were just talking.


"Your family was great." I say as I am unlocking my apartment door. John holds my waist as he kisses my neck. "Were my parents a burden?" He asks as we enter my room. I take off my shirt. "No. They were nice but your mom just wants to take over the wedding". I grab another shirt from my dresser as John is looking at my makeup storage box.

"How do you girls even use these?" He hold up an eyelash curler. "Just put your eyelash in between and press that". John tries to do it but is scared. I laugh. "I am so happy that our parents met one another" I say as I put on my red converse.

"Were are we going?" "Shopping for wedding" I seat in his car. He looks at me and starts the engine. We chat about what we want the wedding to look like.

After some minutes, we stop at Men's Warehouse. "Me first" he looks at me and gives me a peck. We head out of the car.

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