Happy Valentine's Day

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4 months later and strong, John and I have been together. Ever since I gave him my approval for us to court in November, I find myself growing in Christ with John's help. I like the fact that John doesn't pressure me into things and we lookout for one another in our decisions.

Honestly 4 months has been a roller coaster. John settling into the city and I, getting a new position in a new area at work. Things have been hectic but with God's help and divine intervention, we persevered.

John is really a gentleman. We pray all the time, we both go to the park in the mornings, like around 7 to read the bible together and jog. We talk to our pastor, Pastor George about the visions that we have been experiencing. He says that those are signs of marriage.

I haven't got to meet his parents because they are in Canada and mine are in England. Both of our parents are working parents so it has been hard to see them.

Currently, I am in the shower, taking one when I hear a knock on the door.

I clean myself with my towel and jump into the clothes that I could find. Some random gym shorts and a tank top.

I open it and see Jonathan holding a bunch of roses and a teddy bear. OMG!!! What is the occasion?  He looks down with a strained smile and snow over his brown hair. It must be cold out there. I grab the roses and teddy bear.

 I loved them

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I loved them. To show my appreciation, I hug John and welcome him into the apartment.

"How much does these cost? You really shouldn't have." I say as I find a vase to put the beautiful roses into. "Happy Valentine's Day" He smiles as he studies my movements. Oh! It is Valentine's day.

A blush creeps up my cheek as I am flustered with embarrassment for not getting John anything. I instantly make a hot chocolate, prop some marshmallows inside them and give that to him along with a red velvet cake from a church party. "Thanks" he says. "I will just get some real clothes on and see you in 5" He nods as he settles himself into my living space.

I instantly change into my white Hollister jeans and a red top. I add mascara, thin eyeliner, red lipstick and a cream eyeshadow. I curl my hair and spray on some perfume. Ahh! This has to do for a house wear.

I come out from my room and see John on his phone, texting. "Hey" he looks up at me and grins. "Thanks for everything" I beam. I make myself hot cocoa and seat next to him. He looks freaking adorable in his black jeans and red button down shirt and red Adidas.

"My parents are in the city so I wanted us to visit them" He says breaking the silence. I raise my brows. "Why didn't you tell me that they are here?" I inquired. He adjusts his body position to face me.

"I didn't even know until this morning when I got a call from my dad saying that my mom and him had recently landed and will be here for 3 weeks until they set a flight for Dublin" John answers. I take a sip of my chocolate and ask him what we could do.

"I was thinking that it would be a family gathering, you know, you and your parents coming" He looks at me and a happy grin is spread across his face. "Let's not bring up that day" I palm face my forehead as memories of a few days flowed into my brain.

John laughs as he lists the embarrassing things my parents said about me.

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