Prayer, Little Talk

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It's been 3 days since the outing with John. I am still praying about the situation. I read my bible even more. I have been praying with my youth pastor, Pastor George.

I know that a lot of people may think on why I didn't have an instant response. My last relationship was not the best. Me and the guy had been together for the longest time. Everyone thought we would get married but it all changed after something he did that makes me want to not relive or see him again. So yes, I used to have traumatic episodes.

If anyone touched me in the ways he did, I would panic instantly. I was in therapy for 6 months and it definitely helped. I haven't been in contact with my ex since the past year and I hope it stays that way.

The bible study was great. I felt like God was speaking directly to me over my current predicament. Pastor George talked about letting go of the past and moving forward. He used Paul as the main person about the topic.

Paul says that the one thing he makes sure to do in his walk with the Lord is to forget those things which are behind him and press forward into those things which now lie ahead of him.

"Have a good night" And with that, Bible study was over.
"Liv?" My youth pastor says when I walk into his office.

"Yes pastor" I sit down on the black chair in front of his desk. "I have prayed with you and I believe through God that you should be in a relationship with him. But don't have sexual intercourse or whatever that is bad okay?" He asked. I just nod my head and say thank you as I leave his office.

Pastor Emmanuel George has been known to be a good therapist in the church. He knows the dilemma that I had with my last boyfriend and he took me under care instantly like I was his own child. If he hadn't helped me through the toughest of times, I would have committed suicide.

As I am leaving the church, I see Jonathan waiting outside for me.


I walk over, with my bag in hand. "Hey" we both say. I look down and stare at my sandals as he says "I just wanted to ask you something".
Curiosity takes over me. "What would you like to discuss with me about?" I look at him remembering his blue eyes that got me hooked instantly.
"Where do we stand right now?" That question had me thinking. I honestly do not know.

"Why don't we head over to your apartment and talk about this?" I inferred. He smiles and enters his car. I follow with mine.

I enter his apartment, seating down on his brown couch. "Let me get you something to drink"he started walking to his mini kitchen.

"Oh no! I ate before I went to church. I am okay, thanks though" I interjected his kind offer. He walks back to the living room where I am wondering what talk he had to say.

"Okay" he sat down. I looked down at my phone trying to ease the uncomfortableness between us in his small apartment.

"So 3 days ago, I asked you if you approved for us to court. I told you that I will give you time and I did, do you still need more time to think about it?" He looked at me, studying my facial expression.

"I have made up my decision. Most girls would have made up their answer on the spot but some things from my previous relationship left me on a rough path. I just needed time to clear it all and tell myself that moving on was not a bad idea." I closed my eyes and sighed.

John is a nice guy. Nicely built, funny, kind and a worshipper. He really loves God and shows a strong passion for him. I knew I was making the right decision.

"So what's your answer?" He asked. I could tell he had hopefulness in his voice and that made me smile.

"Yes, I would love to go out with you, John." I grinned. He hugged me tightly and I inhaled the cologne lingering on his Tommy Hilfiger shirt. 

"You have no idea how long I have been waiting for those words to spill out from your lips".
I didn't know how to respond to that so I just smiled at him.

"So are we all clear?" He asked.

I nodded but silently prayed to God that I was making the right decision.

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