Hospital Visit

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John POV

I am in the hospital. Looking at Liv sleeping. I brought flowers and a card that says get well soon. The doctor says that Liv just went into a little coma. She should be recovering in no less than 2 hours. I have been praying and praying. Her and my parents are here. Her mom is crying to God. Everyone else is praying and walking around the room.

Cough! Cough! Cough!

I walk up to Liv as everyone looks at us. "Where am I?" she asks. "You fell when saving people and you were instantly rushed here."I touch her forehead. "Are the kids okay?" she asks again. "Yes, they only got a few minor scratches and a drug"I finger comb her hair. "Liv?" her parents ask. "Mom, Dad" she gives them a hug. My parents come forward and give her a hug, too.

I hand her my gifts. "You didn't need to." "I wanted to" I give her a peck. "We will be leaving" our parents open the door. "I am supossed to be at work." she exclaims. "We already contacted them and they excused you" I calm her down. "Okay." she rests down on the bed. 

"Does Pastor George and Hannah know?"

"Yes. They are praying for you"

"Okay. I need water."

"I know the code" I press the number and a voice on the intercom asks what can she do for us. I reply "bottle of water for patient, please".

"Guess they are coming" Liv looks at me and a tear drops down her eyes.

"What is wrong?" I wipe her tear.

"I don't want this to affect our wedding. I don't want to be like Sammy who died in the hospital". She starts crying. I hug her. I lean in for a kiss but we hear a knock on the door. Water! 

"Thank you" I take the water bottle and hand it to Liv. She drinks a little then puts it down on the bedside table. "I love you, John. I cannot imagine my life without you and God" She looks at my eyes. I look at her warm brown eyes. She leans in for a kiss and I follow. We entangle a nice kiss and laugh when my phone rings.

"Hey" I say to the phone.

I look at Liv as she looks at me smilling. I am talking to the guy that I met at Men's Warehouse. He and I agreed to keep in touch with tuxs for the wedding. I give Liv a kiss as I am hearing the guy tallking about a new tux that just arrived.

Liv holds my neck and kisses me back. My chair almosts fall but I find my balance. "Okay....Yeah, got that....Thanks...Bye". I say to the guy as I cut off. "Well, they got in a new tux and the guy was describing it and the available time that I can see it" I tell Liv. She just nods and takes a drink.

"When am I suppossed to leave here?" She asks me. I tell her that the doctor said at 9pm or the morning. She nods again. "I need to use the restroom" I help her get up from the bed and led her to the bathroom. 

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