Spanish Lessons

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It starts after winter break during fourth period, they're in math class but no one is really doing anything so Rich slides a folded piece of paper towards Jeremy, who blushes when he sees what the other boy is doing.

He snickers quietly as Jeremy unfolds the note.

'Puto el que lo lea.'

"Huh?" Jeremy, clearly, doesn't speak Spanish.

Michael leans over his shoulder reading the paper and gasping. "Richard!" He scolds.

Rich is taken aback, not aware of the fact that the Filipino spoke Spanish as well. "Wait, you speak Spanish?" Asks Rich.

"Well, the Philippines was conquered by Spain so we spoke Spanish for a long time, it's no longer an official language, but everyone in my family is fluent thanks to my grandma," Michael states matter-of-factly.

Richard beams at the information, "Dude, that's so awesome! This winter break I went to Spain to visit my mom's family, not to brag but I'm fluent as well." Rich puffed out his chest, radiating pride.

Jeremy paid attention to the conversation silently, he knew Michael spoke Spanish, he would rarely speak it in front of Jeremy though.  Both boys looked cute when they were excited. Jeremy blushed at the thought.

The bell rings, dismissing the class which means they have lunch break. "Wait, so Jeremy doesn't speak Spanish but you do?" Rich asks slightly surprised. They were so close that Jeremy understood Tagalog just from hanging out with Michael.

"Yeah," Michael replied as they made their way out the classroom Jeremy walked next to him. "I barely ever speak Tagalog and Spanish is a lot more uncommon in my household." Michael shrugged.

Rich smiled. "¿Eso significa que no me entiende?" they both turned to look at Jeremy, who looked lost.

"Supongo que sí," Michael replied tilting his head to the side.

"Oh my god, this is great!" Rich beamed. "Jeremy, me frustras sexualmente, eres excesivamente atractivo y no sé qué hacer." He confessed and Michael giggled.

"Mood." Michael already knew about Rich's crush on Jeremy, they would both gush constantly about the lanky boy and his cute looks whenever he was out of sight.

Jeremy seemed vexed, "I just understood sexually and attractive? I think. Are you insulting me, Rich?" It was common knowledge that the boy had a very low self-esteem, so it was no surprise that the boy would instantly assume that Rich was insulting his physical appearance.

"Wow, Jere, you're the complete opposite of 'El perreo hasta el suelo y autoestima en el cielo'," Michael joked with a snort. Jeremy sighed as Rich laughed.

"Mike, ¿sabes qué significa esto?" Rich smiled. "¡Podemos hablar de lo hermoso que es enfrente de su cara y literalmente no va a entender!" Jeremy groaned.

"What are you guys saying?" he asked exasperated.

"Video games," Michael replied, not batting an eyelid. "we're talking about video games."

They parted ways. Jeremy had History, Rich and Michael had Biology with Christine.


Jeremy made his way towards the table his friends were sitting in. He sighed as he sat down next to Christine and placed the tray he was holding in the center of the table.

"I don't want any food, you guys can just take whatever you want," he said quietly. Jenna reached for the pudding in his tray without taking her eyes off her phone.

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