Petals (Flowers Pt. 2)

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"Okay, I'm sorry, I know wasn't my place but I had to."

"Exactly! It was not your place! What the fuck, Chloe?" Michael was seething, the heart monitor beeping loudly.

"You're dying, Michael!" She exclaimed. "You're willing to die for him and he had no clue, what was I supposed to do?"

"Nothing, it's none of your business! It's not my fault you don't know shit about sacrificing things for love, Chloe," Michael snapped.

The bed ridden boy's eyes widened as his hands shot up to his mouth. Chloe couldn't even bring herself to let out a bitter chuckle. "Shut the fuck up, Michael. You know nothing about me, okay? You have no idea what it's like to look at your best friend and remember what it felt like to be in love, how perfect they were and to have those feelings replaced by numbness."

"It's not ideal, but sacrificing yourself for this is cause you're a coward," she jabbed her index finger towards the boy. "Just cause you're scared of the consequences doesn't mean that it's not the best option, okay? And just so you know I was ready to die for her and I was about to, until my dad walked into my room, and I don't wish the hurt I saw on his eyes that night on anyone, especially not your mothers."

Chloe stared into Michael's eyes. "You didn't see him barge into the waiting room like his life depended on it, Jeremy was dying to know if you were okay."

The girl made her way towards the bed but stopped a few meters away. "He was crying and on the brink of having a panic attack," She paused. "and then he had, like, four panic attacks. He couldn't calm down, couldn't breathe, he was just calling out your name. And no one knew what to do because you're the only one who knows how to calm him down." Chloe seemed scared as she remembered the previous events.

"Talk about random topics," Michael mumbled.

Chloe smiled at that, her voice softened and slowed down a bit. "Look, I'm sorry I told him, but he was freaking out and needed answers, and I didn't know what to do, but it was your only chance and I never thought you'd do it," she sounded small, sincere and apologetic. Michael shut his eyes and shook his head.

"It's fine, I'm sorry. I overreacted a bit. Where is he anyways?" his eyes went from confusion to hope. "Is he outside?"

Chloe shook her head. "Beats me, he said he had something to do them ran out the door."

"Oh," Michael sounded small. "Do you think he'll come ba-"

"-MICHAEL!" The boy was wrapped into a hug. "Mi amor, thank God you're okay. You scared us so badly!" Michael held his mom closer and soflty smiled, happy to have her near.

"I'm sorry," he whispered.

"Why didn't you tell us what was going on, sayang?" Mamma asked while stepping towards the boy and caressing his cheek. "We had to find out through Mrs. Valentine."

Michael shrugged and looked down. Tears silently streaming down his face. He coughed twice before he felt an all too familiar itch in his throat. The heart monitor began to speed up.

His coughs became more violent and both of his moms took a step back, surprised and hurt to see their son in such a state.

Drops of blood and petals began to pour out, but it stopped almost as soon as it started. Michael took a wheezy breath relaxing into the bed but soon tensed up as the coughing came back more violently.

Flowers. Only flowers were coming out, they hurt and scratched on their way out, dragging themselves up Michael's throat and drying it as they took their time to emerge from his mouth.

The boy was too focused in the feeling of asphyxiation and the loud coughing to hear his mom's gasp and his mamma begin to cry.

Chloe couldn't stand the sight, she opened the door to get out and instead found a lanky blue eyed boy in front of her, a box in his hands.

She placed her hands on Jeremy's shoulders, eyes watering up, and mumbled. "Go fix this," before pulling him into the room and shutting the door on her way out.

"Michael?" The soft voice made all three heads turn to see him. "C-can I talk to you?" he eyed his moms. "L-like alone?"

The boy nodded and both women made their way out. Michael was quiet, the coughing fit hurting his throat, he was thankful Jeremy had come in because that was probably what stopped it. He didn't look at the tall boy, however, too scared of whatever he was about to say.

Jeremy looked down at the flowers between Michael's legs and gulped. He took a seat at the edge of the bed and sighed.

"Um, I think you should see this," he handed him the orange shoe box and waited paitiently. Michael gave him a curious look. "G-go on, open it." He said softly.

Michael slowly removed the lid only to find red petals inside the box, he kept quiet, unsure of what it all meant. Lucky for him, Jeremy began explaining.

"It's curious, isn't it?" he looked at Michael with a soft glimmer in his eyes. "To think you know what you want and work nonstop until you get it. Until you finally get it and you realize it's not what your heart longed for all this time, not entirely at least." He looked away, avoiding Michael's eyes. "You're still missing something, well, someone." The heart monitor showed Michael's heart speed up for no more that 3 seconds and Jeremy giggled, speeding it up once more.

"I, uh, I kept every petal," Jeremy shrugged. "I don't know why, since they hurt like a motherfucker, but... I don't know, they made me feel close to you."

Jeremy glanced at the boy and scooted as close as he could. "I love you, Michael Mell," he cupped Michael's face. "I'm sorry it took me so long to realize, and I've caused you so much pain. But I'm glad Chloe told me, I'm glad because now I get to do this."

He leaned down and kissed the boy, Michael froze, eyes wide before he shut them and kissed back.

They pulled away and Michael gave a hearty giggle, butterflies filling his stomach.

Jeremy smiled and nuzzled his head into the boy's neck. Michael furrowed his brows. "And does Christine know?" Jeremy shook his head.

He pulled away. "She doesn't, I don't know how to tell her that I love her and someone else. I just don't know how she'd take it." Jeremy sighed.

"It's okay," Michael intertwined their fingers. "I'm sure she'll be accepting."

and scene!
Y'all this had to be poly because 1. Jeremy can't lose feelings for Christine so fast, 2. I didn't feel like making this a soap opera and 3. Polyamorous relationships are underappreciated

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