Chapter 1: A Monster Is Born

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Xiao Long House Hold, Years Ago

On the island of patch was a small town that was part of the kingdom of Vale, one of the four kingdoms of Remnant. The island's forest was vast and many residents lived in the forest for a quiet and peaceful life. Deeper in the forest there was a wood lodge that stood tall and well maintained as a shed was off to the side with a rusted and old looking bike parked outside of it. Inside the home a baby's crying could be heard as we take a look inside and see a woman holding a baby in her arms. The woman had black hair with red streaks, had a pale white complexion and her eyes were silver. The baby in her hands was a spitting image of the woman with the same hair, skin, and eyes, but was still just a baby. The woman rocked the baby back and forth as the girl continued to cry.

"Shhhh, shhh, it's okay Ruby. Your bottle's almost ready..." The woman cooed into the baby's ear before staring towards the kitchen. "Tai, I need Ruby's bottle now." The woman said as a man walked out and went towards her while twisting a lid on a bottle.

The man had blonde hair, blue eyes, and a tanned complexion as his height was above the woman's by a few inches.

"Give it here." The woman said while reaching out with one hand.

"Here, Summer." Tai said as he hand over a bottle of warm milk and she held it in front of Ruby.

"Here, Sweetie...Here's your bottle." Summer said.

Ruby turned and stared at the bottle while her cries began to calm down. She took the bottle with her small hands before planting her mouth on it and drinking away as she calmed down. Summer and Tai both sighed in relief as Summer stared at the girl in her arms lovingly. As the two adults tended to the young baby, a set of rapid moving footsteps could be heard as a young girl's voice came into ear shot.

"Daddy! Daddy!" A young girl yelled as she stormed down the staircase and ran towards the two adults.

This young girl had long wild blonde hair, lilac eyes, and wore a pair of black shorts and a yellow t-shirt with a fire logo on it. The young girl ran up to Tai and hugged his leg as she stared up at him with an excited smile.

"Whoa, Yang! What's got you all jumpy?" Tai laughed as she pointed to the front door.

"Let's go work on Bumblebee! C'mon!" She said as she referred to the bike and tried to drag him outside.

"You already gave the bike a name?" He said while being pulled by the leg as he looked at Summer and she nodded as he turned towards her. "Alright, alright, let's go." He said as he took her hand and she practically dragged him outside.

Summer giggled at Yang's actions as she walked over to the couch and turned on the TV to some cartoons that Ruby could glance at from time to time. However, when she looked down, she saw Ruby was fast asleep with her bottle clutched in a hug. Summer smiled at her and laid her on the couch before putting her bottle on the lamp stand next to the couch and covering her in a blanket to keep her warm. Just as she gave Ruby a kiss on the head however, the cartoons that she put on had changed to an emergency broadcast channel and made an alarm type noise as she turned towards the TV. She turned down the volume so it wouldn't wake Ruby and stared at the screen with slight discomfort and confusion as she got up and went outside. When she walked out, she saw at the shed Yang sitting on top of the old bike while Tai was working on its engine.

"Tai...!" She called him as he looked up and Yang turned towards her as well. "Come inside, something's going on." She said as Tai noticed her worried state and put his tools away.

"Come on, Yang. We'll work on Bumblebee later." He said as he picked her up in his arms and went towards the house as Summer went back inside.

As they walked back inside Summer stood in front of the couch and Tai put Yang down on the couch as he walked over and stood next to her. They waited for the broadcast to play before the screen changed to a live news feed.

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