Chapter 9: Safe For Now

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"Y/N, we've been observing you closely and we know who you are. Come with us, and you can have the peace you wish for." Annabelle said as smacked your tail on the ground.

"Listen, I don't know who you are, or how many of our kind are left, but I know one thing. I make my own decisions and shape my own future and no one is going to take that away from me!" You said as your body flashed your muscles grew larger. "I'm not letting you take me!" You yelled.

"Ehe...Ahaha...AHAHAHAHAHAHAHA~~!!!" Diana laughed crazily as she smiled at you and waved her frightening tail around. "He's PERFECT! IT'S EVERYTHING I YEARNED FOR! A PREY WHO WON'T GO DOWN WITHOUT A FIGHT!" She laughed as she dashed towards you.

You jumped towards her as well as your body was beginning to cover itself in black scales as her claws extended out more and grew sharper.

"You won't win!" You yelled.

"YES! THAT'S IT! LET OUT YOUR POWER!!! GIVE ME EVERYTHING YOU'VE GOT!!! AHAHAHAHAHAHA!" She laughed as your fists both met in the middle.

Meanwhile as Sarah and Annie were both flying towards the area where the others were there was a massive explosion behind them as the force blew them around in the sky before they stabilized themselves. Annie turned around with a shocked look as they saw a small mushroom cloud form from where you were fighting.

"Y/N...! Ngh!!" Annie grunted as she escaped from Sarah and Julia.

"Annie!" Sarah chased her.

"Wait!" Julia followed as Annie soared faster than the two of them.

"Y/N...I'm your leader, remember...? I said leave everything to me!" She yelled in frustration as her dragon heads appeared on her shoulders and her wings grew bigger and the speed she flew at increased dramatically.

"Annie!" Sarah yelled for her but was grabbed by Julia. "What are you doing!? We have to help them!" Sarah yelled as Julia threw her back towards where everyone was.

"I know, which is why I'm going to help now and you go tell everyone what's happening!" Julia said before there was another explosion and the two of them saw heat rays firing through the forest, one was blue and the other was purple. "Sarah, hurry!" Julia yelled as Sarah gritted her teeth as a tear fell from her eye and she turned to leave as Julia turned back towards the fighting. "This is gonna suck..." She muttered before soaring towards the area.

As there was another explosion in the forest you were locked up with Diana as the two of you were holding each other's hands tightly and tried to force the other to the ground. Since the beginning of the fight black scales were covering your body and at this point half your face was covered in scales as your spines were much bigger along with your tail.

"What's wrong? Is that ALL you have~? Ahahaha~!!!" Diana laughed as you gritted your teeth.

"Shut up!" You yelled as you pulled your fist back and sent a power punch towards you.

"Gotcha~!" Diana laughed as she turned and her tail wrapped around your arm as you gasped. "Enjoy the ride, darling~!!!" She laughed even more as her tail picked you off the ground and began to swing you around crazily.

You were smashed against a tree before she picked you up and threw you on the ground multiple times. You yelled in pain as she threw you up in the air and smiled widely before jumping and kicking you in the side as you spat up and rolled across the ground before crashing into a burning tree. You held your side in pain as the scales on your body instead of forming even more, were now beginning to fade away as Annabelle watched with her arms crossed.

"He doesn't know the full extent of his powers yet...It'll make it harder for us to control the rest of the Godzilla's if he doesn't learn how to use his powers to the fullest of his capabilities..." Annabelle thought before speaking up. "Diana, that's enough. Put him out and pick him up, we're leaving." Annabelle said as she turned away and Diana stared at her with a sad look.

From The Ashes: RWBY X Male Godzilla ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now