Chapter 4: The Initiation

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The Next Morning

As sunrise began to shine over Vale its warm light beamed on Beacon and shined through the windows of the ballroom. This sunlight reflected and warmed the face of Sarah who was peacefully snoring with a small bubble shrinking and growing from her nose every time she inhaled and exhaled. After growing too big the snot bubble popped and in reaction Sarah opened her eyes and blinked a few times. She yawned as she unzipped herself from her cocoon of a sleeping bag and her wings stretched much to her relief. She was stood on her knees and leaned back to stretch her body as she took a look to her left and went wide-eyed from what she saw. To her left was a pile of three sleeping bags with three different bodies laying on one another. The first person she saw was Annie sprawled out on top of someone while her wings were closed. The next body she saw was a blonde girl she had never seen before, and this girl was laid on top of a body that was under both the girls. The last person she saw was you as you hugged your tail and it looked like you were having a good dream because you were kissing your tail passionately.

"W-W-What are you guys doing?!" Sarah yelled in a flustered state as she waved her arms around.

Due to her flustered commotion this caused Annie to wake up as she opened her eyes and looked around groggily.

"Huh? Oh, good morning, Sarah." Annie said while looking up at her from the floor as she yawned.

"A-Annie! W-What are you doing? Who is that? Why you two on top of Y/N?" Sarah asked as Annie rubbed her eyes.

"Huh? Oh, we were just having some fun last night. It was crazy..." Annie rubbed her eyes as Sarah grew a deep blush.

"What did you three do...?" Sarah asked cautiously.

"Hm?" Annie looked at her in confusion before realizing what Sarah was thinking and growing a smug look. "Huh? We did all kinds of things. Y/N was so aggressive with us." Annie said with a grin.

"Wha—?!" Sarah was jaw dropped.

"Oh, and this is Yang. She was going crazy last night also. I couldn't believe the faces she was making. They were just incredible." Annie continued as Sarah's jaw hit the ground. "Hey, Yang. Wake up." Annie said as she used her two tails and slapped Yang on both her butt cheeks.

The action caused the blonde's body to jolt as she groaned and stirred around. Her lilac eyes opened up and as she sat up from where she was laying, she rubbed her eyes and turned towards the two girls she was next to.

"Oh, morning Annie." Yang yawned as she rubbed her eye with one hand and her butt with the other. "Why does my butt hurt?" Yang said as Annie scooted over to her and whispered into her ear.

"Follow my lead." She whispered as Yang stared at her and Annie turned back to Sarah. "Oh yeah, last night was crazy. Y/N was just having his way with us, that beast!" Annie giggled and bit her lip as Yang caught on.

"Oh, yeah, it was amazing. The way he would just grab me, toss me around like his plaything, ahh, it was the best." Yang closed her eyes to look like she was in bliss.

By this point Sarah had a lifeless smile on her face as she looked to the side.

"Oh? Sounds nice..." Sarah said in a gloomy tone.

Suddenly though, Yang and Annie both exploded in laughter as Sarah snapped out of her fuzzy state and stared at them in confusion.

"Oh god, the face you were making was priceless!" Annie laughed as Yang was laughing and leaning on Annie's shoulder.

"W-W-W-What's going on?" Sarah demanded to know as Yang wiped a tear off her face.

"We were just kidding, nothing happened last night. It just so happened that you guys set your sleeping bags next to Y/N mine and my sister's bags so we just spent the night talking." Yang giggled as she reached her hand out to Sarah. "I'm Yang Xiao Long, it's nice to meet you. Sorry for teasing you." Yang laughed as Sarah took her hand and shook it while looking away.

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