Chapter 5: Two Kings As One

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Ruby unsheathed her scythe and shot a bullet to catapult towards the huge scorpion grimm, but as they met the grimm smacked her away with its pincer and knocked her down as she slowly got up.

"D-D-Don't worry! Totally fine!" She said before hearing loud steps behind her and turning to see the beast right in front of her.

She shot it in the armor once before turning and running away as the beast gave chase and followed right after her.

"Ruby!" Yang yelled as she ran faster.

Just then, the screech of the Nevermore came from the sky as it locked its sights on Ruby and flapped its wings before sending a barrage of sharp black wings towards her as one of the pinned her down by her red hood. More feathers cut Yang off as she slid to a stop and tried to reach out for Ruby.

"Ruby, get out of there!" Yang yelled.

"I'm trying!" Ruby yelled while trying to rip her hood away from the feather.

Just then however the deathstalker stopped in front of Ruby and raised its golden stinger high into the air as Ruby stared up at it in despair and the stinger came flying down towards her.

"RUBY!" Yang screamed before a blue light suddenly flashed.

Just before the stinger reached her, a blue beam of light hit the deathstalker right in its face as sparks flew off it and made the beast stagger back. Ruby stared in shock as another beam struck the ground in front of the monster and blew up before the beam hit the beast and made more sparks fly off it. Everyone turned in shock as they saw you standing in front of the group, your claws were extended and your teeth were sharp fangs now as you had an angry look on your face.

"Stay away from her..." You said as your spines flashed blue and you unleashed another beam from your mouth towards the deathstalker as everyone in the group watched in awe of your power.


There was a big explosion of sparks that came off the deathstalker as it reeled back and roared in pain before suddenly flipping on its back and going still. You ran forward and came up to Ruby as you grabbed the feather that pinned her down and used your strength to lift it up and release Ruby.

"Go!" You said as she nodded and ran back as you heard another screech and turned to see the Nevermore coming towards you. "Already?" You wondered gasping from something astonishing that you saw.

Three streams of gold lightning suddenly flew into the air and hit the Nevermore as the beast screech in pain and sparks flew off its body. The monster dove down towards the forest and crashed out of sight as you turned around in shock and saw Annie with her arms aimed towards the sky and her mouth glowed gold a little and her hands did as well.

"Well, looks like we got something in common." She smirked at you as you stared at her in awe.

"I-I could've handled it..." You said as you returned to normal and walked towards the group.

"I'm sure you could have, but you're not going to hog the glory. We're not in an anime, and you're not the main protagonist." Annie said as she patted your back and the two of you walked up to everyone.

"Hmph, I wish we were..." You pouted and muttered under your breath.

"You are so childish." You heard the voice of Weiss chime in as you looked up to see her stood over Ruby.

"Weiss?" Ruby was confused and worried about what she would say next.

"And dimwitted, and hyperactive, and don't even get me started on your fighting style. And I suppose...I can be a bit...difficult, but if we're going to do this, we're going to have to do together. So if you quit trying to show off, I'll be...nicer." Weiss tried to find the right word to end her sentence.

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