Chapter 2: The Boy's Suffering & Blessing

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The Same Day, Xaio Long Household

After witnessing a shocking sight before them, Summer brought the boy back with her as Tai carried both Ruby and Yang with him back to the house. As the boy in her arms slept while she walked through the door, Summer took him upstairs and went into the restroom while Tai watched her go up. After setting Ruby to bed and Yang was coloring in her room, Tai watched from the door of the bathroom as Summer placed him you in the bathtub with warm water and began to clean the boy. As she cleaned the boy, she turned towards Tai for a moment.

"Can you get one of the shirts you're not wearing anymore and cut it up for him? He has no clothes and we only have clothes for Yang." Summer said.

"Sure." Tai said as he went to do what he was told.

After he left, Summer continued to clean the boy and stared at him with pity and sorrow as she held his hand under the water.

"Y/N...What happened to you...?" She muttered as she leaned her head on the edge of the bathtub.

After cleaning the boy up, she dried him and clothed him in a shirt and some old shorts that Tai used to wear before laying him in their bed. Summer stayed by his side before hearing a knock at the door and turning to see Tai as he motioned for her to come to him. She stared at the boy for a moment before getting up and walking towards Tai as she closed the door to their room.

"What is it?" She asked as he only stared at her. "What?" She asked as Tai sighed.

"We have to call the authorities..." He said as Summer grew a pained look and turned away. "He can't stay here! That boy is the monster that appeared 6 months ago from the Lagos incident! He's dangerous!" He whispered loudly as she snapped towards him.

"He's only a CHILD! That boy is the nicest boy that I had ever met! During my mission in Lagos, he always wanted to come with me where ever I went! I learned so much about him and his amazing family! His mother and I practically became best friends! I can't just give him to them. They'll kill him!" She pleaded with Tai as he held her arms and stared at her.

"Summer, I'm only trying to look out for our kids. Can't you see that he's not the boy you met back there? Kids don't just survive a nuke and turn into monsters!" He whispered loudly.

"He's not a monster! He's just a boy who was scared and confused! I am NOT going to leave him to those monsters!" Summer teared up before a creak in the floor boards caught their attention and they turned to see Yang in the hallway.

"...I-Is he going to be okay...? That boy...?" She asked as Summer wiped her tears before going over and kneeling down to Yang's level.

"Yes baby. He's going to be okay." She said to Yang as she hugged her and she hugged back.

"H-He can stay..." Yang said as Summer and Tai were both surprised from what she said.

"Baby, I know you wanna help but this is something we just can't do." Tai said as he came over, but Yang looked at him with pleading eyes.

"I know you said that this is something that adults should handle...But he's a boy...Isn't he the same age as me? Why can't a kid help another kid?" She said as Tai and Summer both stared at each other in surprise. "Please?" She asked as Summer stared at Tai before he finally caved.

"...We'll have to make sure he's calm when he wakes up." Tai said as Summer smiled and Yang did as well.

"Thank you, daddy!" Yang hugged Tai as he hugged her back and Yang looked at Summer. "Can I see him?" She asked.

"Sure, c'mon." Summer said as she held out her hand and Yang held onto hers as they went to see the boy.

Over time, days had passed since Summer took the young boy in. The family tended to his clothes and cleanliness, but the boy did not wake up anytime soon. After a whole week had passed, Yang was in the room with the boy coloring using the bedside to put her coloring book on. As she was coloring though, she saw something moving under the sheets of the bed. She saw something slither around before coming up out of the covers to see a scaly tail. She was mesmerized by it and without realizing, she reached out and grabbed the tail. Suddenly, the boy's eyes shot open and when his eyes met hers...

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