Chapter 11: A Fearful Resurgence, Memories Awaken

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The Next Morning

After witnessing an argument between Weiss and Blake and watching Blake run out after a secret she had tried to keep was revealed, you and your team were wandering the city looking for her as the rest of team RWBY were conducting their own search. You were walking down a street as you stared at Sarah and saw her looking around.

"I thought you said that your little butterfly scouts would find her in no time?" Julia asked as Sarah had a confused look.

"I don't know what happened. She must be hiding someplace the moths can't get to or she's masked her existence and is hidden like a shadow." Sarah theorized.

"So we're still flying blind. Damn." You sighed as you scratched your head.

"I'm sorry...Everyone of you put your faith in me and I let you down..." Sarah hung her head as Annie placed her hand on her shoulder.

"It's not your fault. You tried your best. It just looks like we didn't know the extent to how good Blake is at not wanting to be found. We'll find her." Annie comforted Sarah as you groaned.

"This wouldn't have happened if Schnee hadn't said anything bad about the faunus." You complained out loud.

"Well, what can you expect? She's a Schnee, her family's been at war with the faunus for who knows how long? It's only natural that she'd not be too fond of us." Julia explained.

"That's just it though. Faunus and humans wouldn't be at each other's necks if the humans would only recognize us as equals. We're not all that special. We were all born into this world." You stated your case as Julia sighed.

"I agree with you on that, but that's just most of humanity for you. What they don't understand, they fear. And what they fear, they try to destroy." Julia said as you grew a cold glare on your face as you stared at the ground.

As she finished that statement your mind flashed back to the day Atlas dropped a nuclear bomb on your home island. All your friends, family, everyone you knew was gone in the blink of an eye...And you were turned into a monster as a result of man kinds hatred towards the faunus.

"Damn humans..." You thought in hate before shaking your head. "No, not all humans are bad...No....Not all..." You thought as your mind flashed back to your step family with Yang and Ruby, Summer and Tai. "If only everyone could be like them. There'd be no problems between us faunus and you humans." You thought as you were not paying attention and couldn't hear Annie calling you.

"Y/N, watch out--!" Anie cut herself off when there was a clang of metal and she flinched before looking over at you. "...You're about to walk into a pole..." She said to late as you were on the ground with a red mark on your forehead.

"Ouch...." You groaned as your tail fell limp and your teammates stood over you.

"Nice one." Julia joked as Sarah crouched down.

"Are you okay?" She asked as you rubbed your head.

"Peachy..." You groaned as Annie and Julia lifted you up.

"Here, hold still." Sarah said as she raised her hands up towards your forehead.

Her hands began to glow and the same sparkling dust that you saw from last night fell off her hand and began to float to you. The dust wrapped itself around your forehead as the red mark and small bump on your head suddenly disappeared and the pain you felt was gone. You rubbed your head in amazement as Sarah smiled.

"Another ability of your semblance?" You asked as she nodded.

"Yeah. Before deciding that I wanted to be a huntress I was taught to use my semblance for healing. I'm not that great at it so I can only heal wounds that aren't too serious." She explained.

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