Chapter 6: Memories Reminded & The Mission For Balance

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The Next Day

It was the next morning and after getting assigned a nice dorm room with your team, the four of you spent the rest of yesterday sleeping and resting. As you rolled in bed you felt something soft and smooth in your face as your body instinctively cuddled into the gentle sensation.

"What is this...? It feels nice..." You thought as you pulled it closer to you in your sleep.

"Ara~" You heard next to you as you raised an eyebrow with your closed eyes.

You hummed as your body began to wake up and when you opened your eyes you found yourself staring at a large mound of flesh that had pink little hill in the center as it jiggled in your face.

"Y/N you pervert~" You heard Annie's voice as you turned dark red and yelled.

"AHHHH!!!" You yelled as you suddenly pushed Annie out of bed without thinking as she got mad.

"What was that for!?" She yelled at you as you covered yourself with your blanket.

"What do you mean?! What were you doing in my bed!?" You yelled in shock and confusion.

"Well it was cold last night and you're naturally warm so I just helped myself to your body heat and I must've taken my clothes off so...~" Annie shuffled around on the ground while covering her breast and having a pleasurable blush on her face.

"I could've just given my blanket to you...!" You said as you reached over and yanked her blanket from her while looking away.

"Ngh..What's all this ruckus about?" Julia groaned as she rubbed her eyes and sat up in her bed before looking over in your area and seeing Annie on the ground naked. "Wha..!" She was in shock and went into a cold sweat.

"W-Wait! It's not what it looks like!" You said before Annie deviously grinned before looking hurt and victimized.

"Y/N...How could you...!" She whimpered as Julia looked at her in shock and you turned in horror. "You have to take responsibility for this...!" She whimpered and fake cried.

You felt a dark aura behind you as you began to sweat bullets and turned around to Julia who was in your face with an angered look.

"W-Wait...I haven't even..." You spoke in fear as she rose her hand up.

"PERVERT!" She yelled as a smacking noise resonated throughout the dormitory you were staying in.

A few minutes later Sarah hummed and stretched her body as she sat up from bed and rubbed her eyes.

"Good morning..." She said as she opened her tired eyes and saw you sat in bed with a red hand mark on your cheek. "Y/N, what happened?" She asked.

"I don't wanna talk about it..." You said sadly as Julia walked out of the restroom on the left side of the room.

"Don't worry, it was only a joke." Annie said as she sat next to you and wrapped an arm around you. "I wouldn't mind you touching me." She winked at you.

You're our leader, can you act like it?" You said as you got up in fear of being smacked again.

"Hey, we have class in an hour. Get ready." Julia said as she walked across the room in her towel, grabbed her uniform and went into the closet.

"Alright. Me and Sarah will bathe first, after that, Y/N can do whatever he wants with our bath water." Annie grinned as you turned away.

"I'M NOT PERVERT!" You exclaimed as Annie giggled before pulling Sarah into the bathroom.

As they locked the door Julia came out drying her hair with her towel as she saw you sit on your bed and fix your uniform.

"Y/N." She called as you turned around. "What kind of faunus are you? I don't think I've seen a reptile like faunus that has spines like that or breathes fire like you do. Are you a dragon faunus?" She asked as your gaze turned away from her and remembered a similar question to hers.

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