Chapter 7: Secret's Known & Anger Let Loose

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"How am I suppose to restore balance and help people...when they're afraid of me...?" You thought as you lowered your hands and tailed and walked with your head down.

Just then, a hand grabbed your shoulder and stopped you from going any further as you turned around and saw it was Julia who stopped you.

"Julia...?" You said in confusion as she stared at you.

"Let's talk..." She said as you had a confused expression, wondering what she could possibly want to talk about with you. "Let's go." She lead you off towards somewhere.

She held your wrist as she pulled you along and all you could do was watch as she did so. After going a distance away from the classroom and classes were beginning to wrap up, she lead you to a empty classroom and the two of you entered as she locked the door and you stood in the middle of the room as she turned towards you.

"Alright, explain." She said as she crossed her arms.

"Explain what?" You asked as she walked passed you and went to the desk in the front of the class and leaned against it.

"Explain why your eyes turned red, you looked beastly, and you were able to terrify the grimm into hiding in the cafe until Port shut and locked it." Julia said as you just walked over and leaned against one of the rows of seats. "Is it one of your faunus traits? Or do you have like two semblances or something?" She asked.

"It's neither really..." You said as you lifted your head up to look at her. "The truth is that I don't have a semblance. I never discovered what it was or if I even have one, so I came to a conclusion that I have no semblance." You said as she raised a brow.

"That can't be right. Everyone at Beacon has a semblance, other wise you wouldn't have been able to even get in. Your semblance is that heat ray you did during the initiation, right?" She asked as you shook your head.

"No, that's just something I learned that I had." You said as you looked out towards the windows and stared at the sunset. "I'm not your average faunus, Julia...I'm a scary way..." You said to her.

"Everyone's different, that's normal. How can you being different be scary?" She asked you.

"...I'm a monster..." You said to her with a calm look on her face.

"A monster? What did you do something terrible in the past?" She asked.

"Yeah...I killed a lot of people on a boat...and who knows how many more out at sea..." You said as you stared her in the eyes. "I'm Godzilla...The monster that appeared about 15 years ago at sea when the kingdom of Atlas bombed the Island of Lagos with the atom bomb." You said with a serious look.

"...Hey, hey, don't mess with me. I'm trying to help, the least you could do is--!" She suddenly stopped when you stood up and slammed your tail on the ground.

"You don't believe me...?Fine...I'll show you..." You said as your eyes changed and your teeth sharpened.

Suddenly, a strange force blew through the entire room and knocked Julia down as the windows shook but didn't break. She groaned before looking over and seeing you grunting and twitching in pain. Black scales began to appear all over your body, but where they were most prominent was from your neck up. They slowly climbed up your neck as your mouth extending out and turning into a snout of sorts. Your hair was shrinking and getting replaced with more scales as your spines grew out and your tail grew larger. Julia was shaking and back away a bit as your head completely turned and transformed into the head of Godzilla and you growled before staring at her as your spines shined blue.

"No way...How...It's not possible..." She shook with nervousness and fear as you began to approach her.

She backed all the way against the wall and leaned as far into as she could as you stood in front of her. Your snout was inches away from her faces and she closed her eyes as beads of sweat ran down her face.

From The Ashes: RWBY X Male Godzilla ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now