Chapter 3: A Timid Butterfly & Straight Forward Dragon

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The Next Day

It was the next day and the airships that were arriving at the docks to take in coming first years to Beacon were beginning their boarding procedures. Meanwhile, you were walking with your arm around Yang as your head was hung low and ached.

"I shouldn't have drank last night..." You groaned as Yang carried you and yours AND her bags.

"You're still new to the game, don't bag yourself. Besides, I think we have more pressing matters..." Yang said in a nervous cold-sweat as Tai and Summer were both walking behind you with scary aura's coming off them as they glared at the two of you.

"And WHEN were you both planning on telling us...THIS?" Tai asked as he breathed fire down your neck and you yelped in nervousness as your tail wagged in nervousness.

"Umm...Christmas?" Yang said unsurely.

"IT'S SPRING!" Tai and Summer both yelled she flinched from their reaction.

"Look, things lead from one thing to another...And while we were at Signal together, I kinda stopped looking at him as a brother and more of a guy that I was interested in...I mean, as long as there's love, right?" She asked.

"Yeah...As long as there's..." You were cut off when you felt Tai's eyes burn through the back of your skull as he placed a firm hand on your shoulder.

"Do ANYTHING to hurt my little sunflower, I don't care if we raised you...I'll cut your tail off and make you eat it?" He said with a scary smile as you hugged your tail in fear.

"Y-Yes, sir..." You said in fear.

"Ah...First we find out Ruby's being moved ahead a few years, and now this? God of Light, what did I do to deserve such a family?" Summer rubbed her head as you made it to the boarding lines where large amounts of first years were gathered. "All right, remember to call us when you get there. We wanna know you three made it there safe." Summer said as she hugged Ruby and Yang.

"We will, we promise." Yang said as she and Ruby went over to give Tai a hug while you walked up and hugged Summer as she hugged you back.

"You watch these two. They're unpredictable. Keep your eyes out for each other. Okay?" She said as you nodded and pulled away.

"I'll make sure we stick together...Thank you for everything..." You said as she cupped your cheek and stared at you.

"No matter what you did before, the path you took to get here was the right one. Stay on the path of light, and maybe someday...You'll see your real parents again." She said as she kissed your cheek.

"I hope so, too...But I'll never forget you and Tai either." You said as she smiled.

"Okay, go give dad a hug goodbye." She said as she kissed you one last time.

You walked over to Tai as he reached his hand out and you took his hand as he pulled you in for a manly hug. You embraced each other for a moment before you felt a strange feeling on your tail and yelped.

"Remember, I'll make you eat your own tail..." He whispered as you gulped before he laughed. "Ahaha, just kidding sport. Go train and get stronger, and come back to visit us on your breaks." He said as you laughed nervously.

"I-I will." You laughed a little as you entered a manly embrace for one more moment before you pulled away and went towards Ruby and Yang who were waiting in line for you.

Tai and Summer watched as you left them with their children, and Tai wrapped an arm around Summer as she hugged him while they watched you three go.

From The Ashes: RWBY X Male Godzilla ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now