Chapter 1

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A/N: Here's story number two.  This story is a teen fic and has been rated as such. This story will have alternate POVs.  Edward's will be odd chapters, and Bella's will be even chapters. I'll do my best to update this story once a week on Saturdays.  Hope you like it.


I scowled at the scenery that passed me by as my dad drove us toward his house in the middle of nowhere. Okay, so it wasn't really the middle of nowhere, but Forks, Washington was a small town surrounded by forests and it always seemed to be raining. Within minutes of stepping off the plane in Seattle, I was already missing the warmth and sunshine of Phoenix.

A month ago, my mother had sat me down and told me that she had met some guy online who lived in Jacksonville, Florida and that she was madly in love with him. That being said, she told me that she was moving to Jacksonville, getting married, and that I would be going to live with my father for the remainder of my high school career. Needless to say, I had been less than pleased.

Now, there I was, riding in a car with my father who was practically a stranger. Sure, I'd seen him off and on over the years, but usually only for a week or two at a time. I had a feeling life in Forks was going to be rough.

"I figured we'd head over to the school tomorrow to get you registered," Carlisle said as we passed the sign welcoming us to Forks.

"Yeah, that's fine," I muttered.

"Okay, well . . . I'll drop you off at the house, then I have to go into work for a while."

I just nodded as I continued to stare out the window. Moments later, we pulled into the drive that led to my dad's huge house. I didn't understand why he needed such a huge house when he was the only one that lived there, but whatever.

Once the car was parked, I grabbed some of my crap and followed him inside. I always felt like an outsider in his house. It was meticulously clean; barely a hint that anyone even lived there. Although, seeing as Carlisle was a surgeon, he probably wasn't there all that much.

I headed up the stairs,and made my way to my bedroom. I was surprised to see that it had been updated since the last time I'd been there. Instead of the crappy twin bed that I'd had for forever, there was now a king sized bed in it's place.

"Hope you don't mind that I made a few changes," Carlisle said.

"No, it's fine. Much better than the old bed."

"Yeah, I figured as much. I . . . uh, had some help with the decorating," he mumbled as he set down the rest of my bags, a faint blush rising on his cheeks.

Interesting. "It's nice," I said and it was.

There was a cushy black couch underneath the large window and everything was accented in black and white.

"Okay, well. I gotta go. I'll be back around seven. I'll pick up some dinner for us. Pizza, okay?"

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