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       Jungkook wakes up with a massive headache and he feels a little bit dizzy. As soon as he sits up on his bed he groans and lies back down. Yesterday Jin and him celebrated their new contract with Kim corporation and the party was crazy. They got drunk, Jungkook more than his hyung, and ended up going home at 4 am.

"Rise and shine babyy~" a voice suddenly sings, which surprises the younger.

"Jin hyung..."

"Yup that's the name. Anyways, wake your ass up we have an important day ahead of us !" The elder urges enthusiastically while handing Jungkook a glass of water and a pain killer.

The maknae takes it and thanks his hyung then he gets up and both head downstairs to have breakfast.

"So..? What's planned for today ?" Jungkook asks with a mouth full of cereals.

"Yah you pig ! Don't talk when your mouth is full. Anyways, today we're meeting mister Kim and his assistant in order to discuss some important business.. you know for the new contract and all.. He is coming at 6pm."

"Copy that."

"Okay so let's get ready and go to the office we have a shit ton of work to do.." Jin whines.

With that, both prepare for the day and drive to work in a good mood.

When they enter the building, they are greeted with smiles and happy colleagues. All their friends come and chat with them

"Guyysss ! There's this hella dope hip hop/break dance contest tonight let's go !" Bambam cheers.

"Oh my God fuck yeah ! I bet dancers are gonna be sooo hottt ! Who knows, I may find my soulmate..." Jennie says dreamily.

"Oh c'mon you're not in a cheesy fanfiction Jen, keep dreaming.." Lisa says bluntly, making everyone laugh except for Jennie who pouts with her arms crossed.

"Yeah, why not, sounds fun... What do you think Jungoo ?" Jin asks.

"Stop calling me that-"

"But it suits you, you're so cuuuute !" Yugyeom says while pinching Jungkook's cheeks.

The latter rolls his eyes then answers while shrugging

"I don't think we will have time to go there.. I mean hyung.. We may have a lot of work to do you know with the new cont--"

"And heeere we go again with the party pooper.. Shut up Koo, you're coming with us whether you like it or not and that's final !" Chris says as he boops Jungkook's nose.


"I kinda already bought our tickets anyways so yeah... There's no turning back!" Bambam says with an innocent smile.

"Uugh okay I guess." Jungkook ends up giving in.

"Yaay !!" All of his friends cheer.

They chit chat a little bit more before waving bye to each other and going in their respective offices to do their jobs.

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