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"And this is how you calculate the area of an optional triangle, using Heron's formula."

Jungkook is sitting, well more like sleeping in math class with his head covered with a hood, resting on the table. His predictions came true; he's indeed fucked, his eyes red and puffy from the lack of sleep. He's never been so sleep-deprived in his life or at least that's how he feels.

The muffled teacher's voice reaches him as he slowly raises his head up, a tired expression on his face proving that he's had an all-night bender again. It takes him a while to adjust to the sudden brightness that hits him, his eyes still half closed, to see a hazy black record on the white board, saying A = √s(s-a)(s-b)(s-c). What the hell is that supposed to mean?

He's so gonna fail the upcoming test. He's been sleeping through all his math classes this semester and he has no intentions of changing that in the near future.

He fixes the hood on his head to hide his face that's showing painfully pure exhaustion and messy hair that's protruding from the depths of it. Thank god he's sitting at the back of the class so that the teacher can't see him. Who cares about the math class when there are more important things like sleeping. He doesn't know why he even came to school today in the first place. Why didn't he just ditch like he intended to?

Also, he needs caffeine, lots and lots of caffeine. That's the only thing that can save him right now. Maybe he could just text Hoseok a.k.a. his personal butler to buy him coffee during lunch break. He's too lazy for that shit right now. He'll just stay here and sleep while he still can. He's gonna have to work again when he comes home anyway, so what would really be the point of trying to listen during class? Either way, he's too stupid for that shit. He belongs to the workshop.

The pencil case now used as a pillow is getting too hard and rather uncomfortable so he repositions himself and tries to find a new suitable spot for his head, yawning and sighing a loud one.

"Could you turn it down a little bit?" a gentle male voice reaches him, whispering, "I'm trying to listen here."

He raises his head up again, now in annoyance to see the guy with orange hair in front of him stretching out to his table so that he'd be able to hear him.

Of course! Jimin! Who else would it be?! When exactly has his life become such a shitshow? And why is he one of those few people who actually dare to speak to him like that?

"If you really give a fuck about your health, you will shut the fuck up," Jungkook replies curtly with a terse, hoarse voice, his piercing eyes looking right through him, "Because I don't."

The other one flinches, yet still dares to roll his eyes so that the older would be able to see that his attitude doesn't really affect him. He then turns around, a flash of frustration still present on his face as he's furrowing his eyebrows and trying to concentrate on the subject so that he wouldn't get lost.

But Jungkook and Jimin are not the only ones in this conversation. Yeah, they might be the only people actively contributing to it, but there's someone else, attentively observing from the back row, just a few seats away from the two.

It's a skinny guy barely taller than Jimin, with soft mint hair and chocolate brown eyes, the pale skin of his nose and cheeks delicately sprinkled with freckles. He's wearing a navy green baseball cap and playing with his pen, his notebook full of sloppily scribbled song lyrics and random doodles in the corners.

His eyes meet Jimin's for a brief moment when he turns back around to check on Jungkook, but he quickly breaks the eye contact and shyly looks away when he sees a subtle smile appear on the orange-haired's pinkish lips. The pale skin of his cheeks turns bright red as he subconsciously raises his gaze again to check whether the cute boy is still looking at him. Thankfully not. Huh, that was close...

Without any further ado, let's get straight to the point. So here's the thing: Jungkook is the oldest in his class, eighteen, while the others are still seventeen. He usually managed to get out of those sticky situations with the final grade point average of D, which was embarrassingly low but still allowed him to pass the class. On the contrary, last year which was supposed to be his final, was different. He failed miserably and consequently, he's now forced to take the same year again. He's far, far away from doing it willingly, of course. If he had a say when it comes to this, he definitely wouldn't be sitting here at this point.

What is more, Jungkook is also known as a brawler and a bully, so basically has a typical bad boy image. Nearly everyone's afraid of him, with an exception of few teachers and hardly any students. But as we mentioned before, a fragile boy called Jimin is one of them.

Then there are also the members of his gang, Hoseok included, but in reality, most of them are there just because they would end up with their faces in a toilet otherwise. And so they passively follow the saying "prevention better than cure", if that's even possible.

The bell finally rings and wakes poor Jungkook up. He rubs his eyes and sees that most of the other students have already left the classroom, but Jimin is still there, packing his things. He suddenly gets an idea.

"Yo, pumpkin!" he yells as he stands up, but the younger one keeps ignoring him, as if he's talking to a wall. It's one drop too many to piss him off so he pushes his chair away and angrily approaches him, turning him around by pulling his arm forcibly.

"Listen here, you fuck!" he harshly utters and catches the poor boy unprepared, seeing his pupils widen with fear. "Yeah, I'm talking to you."

"What do you want?" the orange-haired asks him, feverishly trying to hide his fear and regretting that he hasn't hurried up and left earlier when Jungkook was still half asleep.

"You owe me an apology so-"

"M-me? An apology?" Jimin carefully questions, his bottom lip slightly trembling.

"You heard me," the older confirms, taking a few steps closer so that Jimin is now touching the wall with his back, "So what you're gonna do is that you'll get your ass to the cafeteria and buy me a cup of coffee. Now."

He's actually kinda cute, he thinks as he looks deeper into his eyes, their faces dangerously close, but soon pushes those thoughts aside. What the fuck is wrong with you, Kook?

"Is-is that all?" Jiminie asks, somehow surprised but at the same time relieved that he won't end up in the men's restroom, like most of the rebels.

"For now," Kook clears his throat, unintentionally wearing a playful smirk. The second one turns on his heel to leave and fulfill his task as soon as possible when he shouts "With milk, no sugar!" behind him.

He proudly crosses his arms on his chest when he sees him nodding before he leaves. Interesting, how the little rebel turned into an obedient kid within a few seconds as Jungkook wrapped him around his finger.

I could even get him to be my slave, a greedy thought crosses his mind before he catches himself staring into nothingness. He would actually do it. He's gay. Another one piles on top of the first one, paving the path into the land of- Seriously, what the fuck is wrong with you?

He shakes his head, trying to focus. This is even worse than being drunk. Or maybe it's because he's still a bit tipsy from last night... Fuck knows.

Yeah, Jiminie is in fact really into boys, everything related to the color pink, rainbows, and unicorns.

Yet, he has someone else on his mind and they've been there for quite a long time.

Out of the Blue [Taekook] - DISCONTINUEDWhere stories live. Discover now