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In less than 24 hours, Taehyung finds himself sitting in the same spot again. He's positioned on the now famous window sill, one leg bent and brought close to his body, his right hand resting on it, while the other is hanging down, dancing back and forth in a black polished shoe. It's been only two hours, so he luckily - or from his point of view not so fortunately - hasn't got any homework yet, therefore he has nothing to distract himself with, rather looking through the window in boredom, his head lazily resting on the wall behind him. He's counted all the tiny smudges and stains on the window glass more than just once and not only that; he's tried to keep himself busy with numerous other things, but nothing really seemed to work.

Also, he misses his friends. A lot. He would always talk to them or just mess around with them during breaks, but now he has no one to hang out with. He can't really go across the street after school either; he now lives in the big city of Seoul while they're far, far away, in the countryside.

But why? Why the hell is the poor kid sitting there after everything that's (almost) happened? Why on earth is he there when he knows that the spot has been marked as the property of brawlers and the badass gang could come back to their territory any minute?

Yeah, no shit, he's totally aware of it, but the truth is that there's just something pulling him back, an invisible hand or more likely, that damned voice in the back of his head again, tempting him to just go around the corner and check it out out of sole curiosity, when in reality he knows that giving in to that voice means that he'll probably stay there as well. It only means looking for trouble, but... Maybe, just maybe, he might meet Kookie again. And maybe, a part of him wants to see him again; scratch that, talk to him. It's true that he could simply look for him in the hallways, try to find his locker or ask someone, it's just that...

To be honest, he doesn't even know why he's doing this. This Kookie guy wasn't exactly nice to him the last time. His rational side tells him that he's just another one of those narcissistic bullies, or worse, a psychopath, looking at the way he acts, walks in the halls, the way people describe him or how they're afraid of him, or even seeing the people he hangs out with.

Yet there's a more sympathizing, compassionate part of him that wants him to give Jungkook a chance, to get to know him better. He's smart enough that he knows there are always more sides to the story. After all, this is only his second day here and you can't judge people, based on their appearance or publicly known image. Besides, he could've chopped his balls off yesterday, yet, he didn't. He saw it with his own eyes. And maybe he's just obliviously imagining it, but he feels like they even, ahem, shared a tender moment, to put it that way. He was close, so close the tips of their noses could touch if he moved only a bit more forward, and the way he gently removed his glasses, trying not to touch him too much. It wasn't out of disgust, neither was it because of pitying; it was because...

Nah, that's it- It's once again a product of his overly-vivid imagination. It definitely isn't the first time something like this would happen. But yet again, the image of Kookie's face hazardously close to his keeps coming back, his long lush eyelashes fluttering as he blinks, his nose prominent, yet delicate and tender; almost as if he could touch him, only to admire his features some more.

But no. This ain't it, Tae. You know it ain't. Fine, you're gay, nothing wrong with that. But falling for a dude who was just about to give your ass a good thrashing? On a first sight? Nah, you know yourself better than that.

As he's this absent-minded, or spaced out would be a better phrase to use in this case, none other than Hoseok himself suddenly sneaks out from the corner while looking around as if he was afraid someone could see him and then again raising his head to look at Tae, gesturing him to go away while he still can, before it's too late. It takes him a while to be awoken from the deep trance he's in, and another while to get what the purpose of Hobi swinging his arms without saying anything really was, but that's when it's already too late.

He came for a reason. He wasn't there for nothing.

A foot in a heavy combat boot appears from behind the wall, followed by the other one, and then the legs in military trousers and the full torso, its upper part hidden in a black leather jacket to construct a tall male figure Tae recognizes from before, the jacket being the main cue. It's the guy with the serpent jacket with a green snake symbol, a member of Kookie's squad, and of course, as though fate would want it to happen, the other tough guys have to make their debut as well.

Taehyung sinks deeper into the seat as he watches Hoseok take a few steps back and blend in with the group, his previously lightened-up face with soft features now going stale, without any zest whatsoever. So apparently, he's one of them... He knows as much that he should've figured that one out on his own... But at least he came to warn him and he didn't do anything about it so... He is where he is. This should be good fun, he sighs and tries to collect himself to dare this much and jump off the sill, regretting his poor life decisions. Kookie didn't come and now he's here, alone and trapped...

"Didn't Jungkook teach you a lesson yet?" the one with the serpent jacket asks ironically, seeming as if he took the leading position for the time being, till Jungkook comes back. His words are followed by a laugh, harsh and sharp, the one that keeps echoing in the room, bouncing from one wall to another, even when the person stopped laughing a long time ago. Of course he didn't, you piece of shit. He's got more empathy than you ever will, Taehyung wants to shout at his face but remains silent instead. It would only piss him off.

Almost as though his pal in ripped washed-out jeans and a lip piercing could hear him, he adds, "Allegedly. You dunno what they were doing while we were gone." His shoulders are still trembling when he finishes, even though he's trying hard to suppress his laugh. Well... First of all, they should at least respect their beloved leader more and not sugar-coat when he's around, while on the other hand, shoving it up his ass when he's gone. Second of all, jokes aside, they weren't really doing anything so why all this fuckery all of a sudden? And finally, if they referred to Kookie doing something with a guy, does that mean that-? Nah, forget it. He wanted him to get a girlfriend and leave him the fuck alone, he said it himself.

Tae knows that this isn't what he should be thinking about at this very moment. Instead, he should get his shit together and try to escape or at least scream for help but... Is he really such a pussy?

"So, genius..." the serpent-one addresses him again, "not gonna say anything?" It only sets the others into a better mood, spurring them to join in.

"He didn't even deny it," he hears a voice coming from the back and even though he can't really see its owner, he knows that they must be doubling up from laughter. Ha ha, very funny.

The serpent's face suddenly darkens as he scowls and frowns, creases appearing on his forehead and in the area of his eyes. "Get 'em the fuck outta my face," is the only thing that reaches Tae's ears before the rest of them grab him violently, twisting his arms and pulling them all the way to his back so that it'd be harder for him to resist.

Adrenaline fills up his veins when he finally realizes what he's gotten himself into and even though he frantically tries to move, kick and push them away, he's powerless. What is worse, he can't even call for help as a lump forms in his throat, disallowing him to speak or whisper. Although he's panicking, trying to shake them off and run away, there's no such luck. With every move that he makes, he's only putting himself into more pain, the grip holding his hands together tightening.

No, he's not that small, tiny or weak, not at all. It's just that he's a gentle human being who wouldn't even hurt a fly, and that's what gives his opponents the biggest advantage. Besides, he's never been beaten up before, not by any of the students at his old high school, not by anyone at all.

Out of the Blue [Taekook] - DISCONTINUEDWhere stories live. Discover now