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Kookie is currently in detention so Tae once again has no one to hang out with and it's slowly starting to drive him insane. Okay, even if Jungkook was there, he would probably impose his stupid idea of finding him a girlfriend on him, but still, it would be way more fun than this. It's been a good few days and now it's finally time to make an end to this. He's gonna find himself someone to sit at lunch with, or at least someone who'd be kind enough to help him irk Kookie and his gang. After all, two are stronger than one, right? 

He shoves his books into the locker and slowly heads to the school canteen. Whatever it takes, he'll find a victim.

The place is loud and there are people all over the room, some of them standing in lines with trays in their hands, waiting to get the food, while the others are already sitting at the tables, eating lunch and chatting. If you really think about it, it kind of looks like a zoo or maybe even a farm with a bunch of bewildered chicken and geese roaming around the courtyard. Seems pretty nice, right? But not if you're an introvert like the mint-haired guy sitting alone at the table in the corner with a pair of black earbuds in his ears, seeming as if he's listening to music, and poking around his plate, completely isolated from the outside world. 

Bingo! That's our target, Taehyung thinks as he spots him with curiosity in his eyes, the image in front of him making him even more excited. Yay! He lightly hops on his feet and rapturously performs a turn to the left, tip-toeing right into the direction in which the pale-faced guy is sitting.

He slowly approaches him from behind, but not because he wants to scare him; more like in an attempt not to startle him as he probably doesn't expect anyone due to his absorption in music.

"Hi!" he greets him merrily, but the message isn't delivered as there's no response coming from the other side.

The music must be very loud, Taehyung thinks as he walks around the table, sitting down opposite him. The dude, however, keeps toying with his lunch, a.k.a. something that's supposed to be mashed potatoes and some vegetables, the whole thing not looking very edible, playing full attention to his plate; or at least that's what it seems like. He's still looking down - it almost looks like his eyes are closed, but Tae soon finds out that's not true as his eyelashes move each time he blinks - totally ignoring the latter. But he doesn't give up; what is more, he stretches out his arm and waves in front of the guy's face, waking him up from a subconscious trance. Surprising enough by itself is that he doesn't even flinch; his notice of the obnoxious guy appearing in front of him is followed only by him quietly removing his earphones, neatly rolling the cable into a spiral and a scowl on his face.

"Hi!" Taehyung repeats himself as a subtle smile forms on his lips, "I'm Taehyung." When his unexpected introduction comes to an end, the frown on the other guy's face only intensifies. 

Maybe this wasn't such a good idea, Tae thinks when he sees what's going on but soon pushes those thoughts aside. Perhaps he's just having a bad day, that's all.

"Do you wanna come hang out with my friends?" he continues nevertheless, the guy on the other side of the table just staring into him blankly. 

Well, Tae, this was one too much, don't you think? They're not exactly your friends, are they? If I remember correctly, they almost drowned you inside the toilet, didn't they? Or am I just hallucinating again?

The mint-haired dude interrupts his thoughts as he clears his throat, getting ready to speak up. "You know why I always wear these headphones?" he asks him annoyed, as he unrolls his set of earphones again. Wait, what? Why is he asking me this?

"Uhmmm..." Right when the baffled Taehyung is about to blurt out the first idea that came to his mind, the older interrupts him, now speaking in pout.

"For the sole purpose of people not talking to me."

Out of the Blue [Taekook] - DISCONTINUEDWhere stories live. Discover now