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It's lunchtime and everyone's heading to the cafeteria, but Tae, on the other hand, isn't really hungry. The first few lessons weren't actually a nightmare, but still, even though a tall guy whose name is supposed to be Hobi - or at least that's how everyone calls him - winked at him, he hasn't managed to make any friends yet. And just the thought of being there alone scares him. In his previous school, he was never one of the loners; instead, he was always surrounded by friends and often even groups of random people, who always enjoyed his weird sense of humor. But now... Now... His world has turned upside down in a matter of seconds and he's been put into a brand new situation in which he doesn't have one single clue what to do. Go to the cafeteria nevertheless and sit with a bunch of random people who'll most certainly start dissing him right away? Go to the restroom and lock himself into one of the cabins till the lunch is over? Go to the library and expose himself as a nerd right away? Isn't it bad enough by itself that he has to wear glasses?

With each second that passes as he's standing by his locker, pretending to be thoughtfully sorting out the books, he's getting more and more confused and for the first time in his life, he has an uncomfortable feeling in his chest. Anxiety. He's never felt this way before. He wants to talk to some people so bad, it's just that there's something, maybe a tiny voice in his head, telling him that he's not good enough; that they'll push him away.

Finally, after minutes and minutes of overthinking, he decides to simply find a spot where he could sit in peace and try to calm himself down. It's okay, Tae... Apart from introducing yourself in front of the class, you haven't exactly spoken to anyone yet so... It's okay... You can start over... Press the reset button, just like in a video game...

He soon comes across a window ledge wide enough for him to comfortably sit on. Seems like a nice place, he thinks as he gets rid of his heavy backpack and neatly climbs up. There isn't anyone there and even though the restrooms are right opposite to it and there are people walking by, they can't really see him. At least not that well. What is more, the window is huge and he now has a perfect view of the outside which consists of a school playground and a few surroundings. Perfect. Now he can finally do his homework in peace.

He repositions himself so that he's now sitting cross-legged and pulls out his English exercise book. Ah, this is too easy! Should he rather do maths first? He puts the book back into the depths of his bag and this time drags out the maths notebook, opens it and tries to concentrate on the exercises and empty pages in front of him. This is better, so much better! Still not very hard, but at least he gets to think a bit harder. Besides, it'll distract him from the other nonsensical thoughts. Geometry is actually so much fun... Wait, what was that formula the teacher showed them today? A = √s(s-a)(s-b)(s-c). He knows her face, but he doesn't know her name.

As he's that deep in his thoughts, calculating, summing, subtracting, multiplying, dividing and whatnot, he hears someone approaching; a tall figure stops a few good steps away, pretending to be looking for someone or something as he's shifting his weight from one foot to another, attentively observing. It's the guy from his class, what was his name again? Hobi? Hoseok? He has definitely noticed him, but Taehyung tries to stay unbothered by just shrugging it off. He's got more important things to do.

After a while, when it already seems that there's something wrong with the Hobi guy, four or five other guys join him, looking far more unfriendly than him, many of them wearing leather jackets, combat boots and ripped jeans, radiating somewhat unpleasant energy. Could it be that- Are they his friends? Honestly, it would be kind of hard to believe that since Hoseok could easily be mistaken for a sun, even though he has a similar outfit and they're just... Let's just say there's something off about them...

Taehyung curiously looks back up to see that they're talking about something, some of them hinting in his direction here and there. Their constant glances make him uncomfortable because judging by the pissed expressions on their faces it just seems as though they're having a problem and maybe... Maybe that problem is him. Or is he just imagining it?

A random guy with a studded belt and a serpent jacket with a green snake on the back suddenly turns around and heads into the direction of the classrooms, when Hoseok stops him by pulling his hand, a worried expression on his face. He slowly shakes his head in disappointment and disapproval, hinting him that he should just wait where he is not to cause any more damage. The latter doesn't look too pleased, but obeys him nevertheless and heads back to the group. This time Hobi is the one to disappear, the others waiting for him impatiently while leaning on the wall, minding their own business. Tae tries to make himself as small as possible by pulling his legs to his torso and hugging his knees, the math book and a pencil still in his hands. This ain't good. They aren't looking in his direction anymore, but they definitely know he's there, he just knows it.


Kookie is sitting in the classroom, his head still covered with a hood. He hasn't moved an inch since Jimin came back with his coffee that he's now enjoying, except for hinting him with his hand to get the fuck away from there. There hasn't been a guy who'd eat his nerves more than Jimin, that's for sure. He's just so... Fucking annoying. The fact that he hasn't done anything too severe to him is surprising enough by itself.

He takes another sip of his hot coffee as none other than the living sunshine, a.k.a. Hobi enters the room. What does he want now? Can't people just leave him the fuck alone?

"The fuck do you want?" Jungkook turns on his chair, looking at Hobi in irritation. As if his day couldn't get any worse than that.

"Listen," he carefully starts which makes Jungkook know that this isn't gonna be any good. Well, good to know. "We have a problem here."

"Which means-?" the other rolls his eyes and sighs deeply, annoyance present in his voice. And Hoseok can sense this as he's nervously hesitating for a while, not knowing how to put the words together or how to begin.

"Some dude took our spot," he finally utters, fully aware that there's a war on the horizon. He leans back, supporting himself with his hands gripping a desk and crossing his legs, gangsta style. He hates this. He really, truly hates this. But looking at it from another perspective, at least nothing will happen to him. And it's also kinda fun looking at Jungkook while he's violently venting his anger on someone, as long as it doesn't include him.

"He did what?!" the older raises his voice as he feverishly stands up, almost spilling the coffee on his desk. The veins on his arms are now pulsating under pressure, his face red from anger. His state at this point could be described as pissed. Simply pissed.

"Yeah," Hobi mumbles under his chin, knowing that shit's about to go down. Normally, he would enjoy it, but this time... He feels kind of bad for "betraying" him. He actually thought they could be pals.

"Wait here," Jungkook harshly orders, pulling the sleeves of his crumpled hoodie up in order to get ready to beat someone up. Whoever the fuck gets into his way right now... He'll get them good.

Poor guy, he's actually kinda nice, Hobi thinks as he looks at his friend leaving, but it's his own fault that he so foolishly decided to sit there.

Out of the Blue [Taekook] - DISCONTINUEDWhere stories live. Discover now