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It's 7 am on a lame, gloomy Monday morning and Tae's heading to school, well, currently more like squeezing a bunch of fat, dusty books into his backpack, when a motherly voice interrupts him.

"What happened to your jeans, sweetie?" He looks up to see his mom standing on top of the staircase that leads to the first floor of their house.

Shit. He thought she wouldn't notice that he ripped the pair of jeans his grandma bought him on his own. Well, he's screwed. What's gonna be his excuse this time? Also, why did she notice his jeans and not what he's done to his hair?

"Jungkookie suggested it," he answers, tying his shoelaces and staring into the floor so that she won't notice his "drastic" change. Maybe that word's a bit too strong to be used, but still, he did his best. Kookie better be proud.

"You really like that kid, don't you," she smiles as she heads down, most likely to the kitchen to prepare some breakfast for Rose, Taehyung's sister.

"Of course I do," he smiles as he finally puts on his backpack, heading towards the front door. Fortunately, he's never had any serious problems with his parents, especially regarding his sexuality. They were always open and supportive - his sister included -, which made everything for him seem very natural. So when he told them he liked boys, they accepted it without being surprised, moving on without any drama whatsoever.


Jungkook's heading towards his locker to pick up some junk, a.k.a. his books and notebooks for the next lesson. He's way too lazy to take them home so that he could do the homework and some of the other assignments they were given. That's just pure garbage.

On his way there, he wants to stop at their spot to see if any of the others have actually come to school (probably not), or more accurately, just so that he would have a lame excuse before dragging himself into the classroom full of lame pricks, as always.

As he does so, he notices a cool kid sitting on the window ledge, sucking on a lollipop. Baem? No way, he told him he wouldn't make an appearance at school today.

He's wearing a Nirvana T-shirt, a casual black leather jacket and a square-patterned flannel in red and black, combined with a pair of ripped jeans that show one heck of a lot of his skin, especially on his knees, and black leather combat boots. What the-? Is that... Is that Taehyung? Fucc me the fucc up, but that man is gorgeous!

"Hey, asshole," he calls him out, intending to sound way more harsh when in reality, his voice sounds worn out, tired. God, how much he wishes that thing in his mouth wasn't a lollipop.

The guy turns around and repositions himself, now sitting cross-legged when Jungkook notices what he's done to his hair, together with a few freshly-made piercings sparkling from his ears. Green locks? Seriously?

"Hey, Kookie," the younger greets him as soon as he sees him, a bright smile appearing on his face as he continues to lick the strawberry-flavored lolly seductively.

"Why green?" Jungkook asks as he slowly runs his hand through the latter's hair, standing in front of him in awe. Don't make it obvious, though!

"Why not?" he responds as he catches Jungkook's hand, but is surprised when the older suddenly flinches and pulls it away. That's right! You shouldn't let the others touch you, especially not this prince charming.

"You should've tried with blue," he suggests, nervously looking down, fidgeting. Does he know? Cause you've been making things way too obvious. Man the fuck up already!

"Jungkook," the younger interrupts his thoughts, waving with his large hand in front of his face. Fuck, did he space out again? That's been happening way too often lately. You need to stop, Jungkook, okay? You have to stop, did you hear me? I'm asking you for your own good! "Don't you think that's a bit too extreme?"

No, baby, it's not. Mark my words and get your ass to the hairdresser's asap and then ask them for a light shade of blue. So that I'll be able to grip those locks and pull them when-

"Earth calling Kookie!" He sees Taehyung waving his hand in front of his face again. Oh, those slender fingers... Wait, what? "Jungkookie," he hears him call his name again, staring at him with his chocolate brown doe-like eyes. "Are you okay?"

"Yeah, yeah, sorry," he clears his throat, waving his hand to just brush it off, that strange whipped behavior of his the younger just had an opportunity to notice, that is.

"What I wanted to say is," he continues, 

"The next time you change your hair color, it's gotta be blue."

Out of the Blue [Taekook] - DISCONTINUEDWhere stories live. Discover now