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Sitting by the door of the old hut, Jin waits for his younger brother to come home. He could hear the floor of the front porch creaking, he knows Namjoon is here. He stands up with a broad smile on his face.
"Jin Hyung." Namjoon enters looking all rough and full of black fuel stains from the garage he works in.
From behind Namjoon peaks the seven year old curious looking Hoseok and an eight year old shy Yoongi.
"Who are they?" Nine year old Jin walks up to them and tries to get a look of the young boys.
"Hey guys don't be shy this is my Hyung." Namjoon says and slowly brings the boy ahead of him.
"Hyung I found them sitting near the hut, the weather doesn't seem so nice so I decided to bring them in." Namjoon explains Jin as he looks through the dishes kept on floor.
"Ah I see good thing you brought them in." Jin smiles at them and usher both the boys towards Namjoon and makes all three of them sit.
"Sit I will serve you all." Jin starts arranging all their plates and serves each of them an healthy amount of vegetable soup and and small portions bread as they are out of it.
"Thank you very much." Both Yoongi and Jhope says in unison bringing both their hands together, bowing at Jin.
"Don't be, now start you guys must be hungry." Jin digs in and starts eating.

A year later

The sound of water dripping from the ceiling filled the hut. Yoongi and Hoseok are busy putting bowls around the house to catch the water. It's Namjoon's off day so he's enjoying the rain sitting in the balcony of his room. Jin hurriedly runs in the house holding 4 year old Jimin and Taehyung.
"Aish we are all wet." He kneels down and starts taking off the clothes of the two young boys who are giggling and smiling playing with Jin's pink hair.
"Jin Hyung who are they?" Hoseok walks to them smiling his smile, brighter than the sunshine.
"Uh don't say Hoseok-ah I saw them sitting on the street by a woman and she.. she was already dead. I called the police and everything but they seemed not to care about them so I brought them with me." Jin exhales.
Jimin slowly walks up to Hoseok and hugs his leg. He smiles down at the baby boy and picks him up.
"Hyung you did the right thing." He smiles kissing Jimin's cheek.
Yoongi watches Taehyung as he starts running around the house. Namjoon laughs seeing Taehyung and runs after him playfully.

Few days later

The night was stormy, all the boys came back from work early except for Namjoon. They were all bundled up in the small living room watching K-drama. Both Jimin and Taehyung were fast asleep in Jin's arm. Jin pats both their heads while constantly looking at the door to check it.
"Hyung he will be here don't worry." Hoseok says keeping his eyes on the tv screen.
After a while the door opens and cries of a baby comes from the outside. Both Jimin and Taehyung wakes up and runs to the door curiously. They are followed by all three of the boys.
"Don't cry baby don't cry." Namjoon pats the tiny one year old baby boy's head.
"Who is that?" Jin leans down and takes a closer look of the baby.
Namjoon says nothing and hands him a note.
"Whoever finds him please keep him, his name is Jungkook I can't keep him so please keep him or give him to an orphanage or something." Jin reads out loud for everyone to listen.
"Why do they all not ever want us." Yoongi sighs walking away as he remembers the time when his own dad threw him and Hoseok out of the house after their step mom accused them of stealing.
Jin looks Yoongi's way trying to feel his pain and sighs.
"Give him to me." Jin takes Jungkook and sits on the couch.
Both Jimin and Taehyung stands by Jin and pokes Jungkook's round cheeks once in a while. Baby Jungkook giggles staring at them.

Days past by and they all grew fond of Jungkook. Jungkook was the notorious of them all, but was certainly everyone's favourite.

 Jungkook was the notorious of them all, but was certainly everyone's favourite

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Yoongi was the most favourite of Jungkook to disturb.
"Yah Taehyung-ah." He mumbles holding down sleepy Jimin.
"Appa." Jimin mumbles starting to fall asleep. Taehyung slowly yawns and crawls near them and dozes off.
Little Jungkook comes in walking in his walker and starts hitting Yoongi's legs. He groans slowly and looks at him. Jungkook makes baby noises and forwards himself more hitting his leg. Hoseok comes in chuckling and picks the mischievous baby.
"Sleep sleep." He chuckles walking out with Jungkook who's struggling to get out of his hold.

3 years past by since Jungkook came to the house. They are all a big happy family.

"Jungkookie can Jin hyung have some bread

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"Jungkookie can Jin hyung have some bread." Jin opens his mouth leaning to Jungkook.
Without any hesitation Jungkook hits Jin and then shoves the whole bread in his mouth.
"You eat way too much Hyung." He says sipping his banana milk.
"Yah!" Jin mumbles chewing on the bread. Taehyung rolls on the floor laughing seeing them.
"Hyung loves Jungkookie the most that's why he says nothing to him." He keeps chuckling.
"Yah I see you three as my own son but you insolent kids got no respect." Jin looks away huffing his chest.

While walking back home Yoongi from work notices few dogs barking at something near the dustbin. He often doesn't peak any type of interest in these sorts of things but fortunately this time he did. He slowly makes his way to the dustbin and gasps seeing a small baby wrapped up in a towel laying on it. He hesitates thinking whether he should pick it up or not. But after seeing a small whine coming out of the infant child he slowly picks it up. He stares at the baby which looks rather lifeless. No cries were coming out of it. Without waiting anymore he hurries his way back home.
"Jin Hyung!" He runs in.
"What? what! What happened!" Jin comes in from the kitchen holding a spatula.
"I'm sorry for bringing it in but I felt bad for it." He says in one breathe and hands Jin the baby.
Jin gasps seeing the infant child.
"Oh my god! Why why isn't it crying or moving." Jin slowly removes the towel off the baby.
"Hyung is it a girl?" Hoseok claps in excitement.
"Yeah it is." Jin gets red as he never handled a girl baby before.
Taehyung and Jimin comes running leaving their lesson with Namjoon.
"A girl." Taehyung curiously jumps up to see the baby.
"I have a sister now." Jimin smiles his eye smile.
"Oh it's a girl." Namjoon says scratching the back of his neck.
"Oh my..." Jin gets shocked seeing the injury on the baby's head.
"Let's go to the doctors." Yoongi says panicking.

As they were all busy with the baby, there was a tiny boy sipping his banana milk getting all jealous seeing all their attention going to the new baby.
"Jungkookie you're not the baby anymore." Taehyung chuckles teasing him.
Jungkook throws the empty box of milk and walks away getting mad.
"I hate her." He says sitting in his room throwing his toys at the wall.

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