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Jimin keeps Y/n close as she leans on his chest watching the anime playing on the tv. Taehyung and Hoseok worriedly looks at her not understanding why she ruined all Yoongi's stuff.
"I'm home." Jin comes in and drops all the grocery bags from his hand seeing all the mess.
"What happened...." Jin looks at Hoseok and Taehyung confused.
"Y/n did it...." They mumble in unison.
"Is she okay?" Jin fast walks to her and sits beside her.
"Are you okay?" He asks patting her head.
Y/n nods and hugs Jin.

Yoongi and Namjoon comes in at the same time. Namjoon gasps seeing the mess, Yoongi clenches his jaw.
"Who did this?!" He yells.
"Hy—yung Y/n did." Taehyung replies quietly.
Yoongi closes his eyes and sighs heavily calming down and walks to her.
"What happened baby? Are you not feeling well? Why did you do that?" He asks getting on his knees in front of her.
She hugs her slowly and sobs silently not saying anything.
"What happened tell me?" He asks again.
"Nothing." She mumbles and closes her eyes.
Yoongi sighs and keeps holding her.
"Hyung aren't you going to say anything to her?" Jungkook walks out of his room.
"Like no you're literally putting her on your head. She just ruined all your hard work." He says with an annoyed look.
Yoongi lets her go and slowly looks at him.
"It's okay she ruined my hard work's money don't worry about it, you mind your own business." He simply states.
"Mind my own business! Wow Hyung wow so now if I say something for your betterment you'll be like this with me? I thought you guys were my family, I thought we will take care of each other but ever since this girl came into our lives every fucking thing changed." He groans hitting the wall.
"Appa don't scold Jungkookie please I love him he's my boyfriend." Y/n pulls on Yoongi's sleeve to make him stop.
"Shut your mouth shut it!!" Jungkook grits his teeth.
"Boyfriend? What the hell are you saying Y/n?! Stop this and tell me what the fuck happened?" Yoongi holds her up by her arm harshly.
"That, Jungkookie did that to me." She points at the sex scene going on the anime.
Yoongi lets her go and opens his mouth shocked.
"Jungkook......" Jimin looks at Jungkook disappointed.
"I I ask him to marry me but he he said he has a girlfriend, I got really mad and angry so I took it off on your stuff, I'm sorry Appa." Y/n looks at him.
Jin slowly sits down on the couch holding his head.
"Jungkook I'm sorry you felt left out, I should have made sure you felt included. But why did you take it out on her?" Jin asks looking at him.
"Oh please Jin Hyung don't be like she's really innocent, you all knew how she used to come and sit on my lap so what can I do now." Jungkook rolls his eyes.
Yoongi clenches his jaw and slaps Y/n across her face. She falls down holding her cheek due to the impact.
"Hyung! What are you doing?!" Jimin quickly picks her up.
She stands there looking down holding her cheek shocked. Yoongi grabs her from him and drags her with him.
"Hyung calm down." Namjoon says moving him away from her.
"Yoongi let her go what are you doing?" Hoseok holds her close to him.
"You're not the only one who raised her." He adds making her go behind him.
"Why now she's all grown up, right? Sitting on his lap and all. Didn't even once tell me what was going on with her!" Yoongi groans.
"Yoongi enough." Jin says looking at him with a serious look.
"No why let me send her back to where I found her. I regret picking her up from the dustbin." He yells and walks away to his room and slams the door shut behind him.
Slowly Hoseok makes Y/n sit down, she stares at the floor and stays silent.
"Don't take his words seriously okay." Jin says sitting beside her.
Jungkook walks to Jin and gets on his knees in front of him. He slowly puts his head on Jin's lap as sobs comes out of his mouth. Jin says nothing and keeps on staring into nothing. After a while Jin stands up to grab a glass of water for Y/n. Jungkook stares at his way feeling hurt.
"Still choosing her over me as always." He thinks wiping his tears and walks out of the house.

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